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IDEF 2017: Otokar's Altay main battle tank couting days to serial production 200905177.

| 2017
IDEF 2017 News Show Daily report coverage show daily defence industry fair exhibition Istanbul Turkey May 2017 Turkish International defence security industry army military
Army Recognition Online show Daily News and Web TV
IDEF 2017
International Defence Industry Fair

9 - 12 May 2017
Istanbul, Turkey
Otokar at IDEF 2017
IDEF 2017: Otokar's Altay main battle tank counting days to serial production
Land defence systems house of Turkey, Otokar, a Koç Group company, is showcasing its own designed and manufactured, world renowned military vehicles and turret systems on 9-12 May 2017 at the 13th IDEF International Defence Industry Exhibition. Among others is the Altay MBT, which is about to enter production phase.

Turkish Armed Forces new Altay main battle tank at IDEF 2017
The prototype of the ALTAY main battle tank, Turkey's largest land systems platform, which is counting days to serial production is also on display at the Otokar booth at IDEF 2017. Designed and developed to meet the demands and expectations of the Turkish Land Forces against present and future threats, ALTAY is the world’s most modern main battle tank with its specifications.

With Otokar as prime contractor, the ALTAY project was launched in 2009, and the main battle tank, with increased survivability, mobility and firing power, has delivered superior performance in challenging tests conducted in all climatic and terrain conditions for the last two years. The “Qualification Tests” conducted by the Undersecretariat of Defense Industry, and Land Forces Command on ALTAY, which has achieved very high accuracy in firing tests carried out for diverse scenarios in all kinds of weather conditions and distances, were completed in February 2017.

As the sole authorized company to receive the Call to Bid Document for ‘Serial Production’, also known as Phase II, for the main battle tank ALTAY to launch serial production, Otokar submitted its first bid on January 18, 2016, and its best and final offer (BAFO) on August 29, 2016. With all infrastructure requirements and line plans in place to launch production with the signing of the ALTAY serial production contract, Otokar also obtained the ‘Production Permit’ from the Ministry of Defence. In addition to the production of 250 ALTAY tanks required by the Land Forces Command over the course of five years, Otokar has also made annual capacity plans taking into consideration the export potential, minesweeping, rescue, engineering tank and other derivative and complementary vehicle needs.

The Undersecretariat of Defense Industry’s evaluation process regarding the bid for the ‘Serial Production’ and ‘Integrated Logistic Support’ of 250 units of ALTAY is on-going.



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