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Indian-made Akash medium-range air defense missile system at DSEI 2017.

| 2017

Indian Defense industry presents for the first time a complete battery of Akash air defense system outside of India during DSEI 2017, the Defense and Security exhibition which was held in London, United Kingdom from the 12 to 15 September 2017.

Akash medium range air defense missile system India DSEI 2017 defense security exhibition London UK 925 001
Indian-made Akash surface-to-air defense missile battery at DSEI 2017, the Defense and Security Exhibition in London, UK. 

In the outside area of DSEI 2017, Indian defense industry has presented the five vehicles of Akash medium-range mobile air defense missile system including the ML (Missile Launcher Vehicle) based on a 8x8 Tatra truck chassis, the FCC (Fire Control Centre), the MGR (Missile Guidance Radar), the WLR Swathi (Weapon Locating Radar) and the TPSV (TLR Power Supply Vehicle).

The Indian Army has two Akash regiments in service with each regiment being equipped with 24 of these launchers divided into 6 troops with 4 launchers each. The Army in total has 48 launchers with 12 TLRs for missiles guidance and 16 3D-radar for surveillance in its two Akash Regiments.

Each Akash troop has four launch vehicles with three missiles each and are known as AAL, one Troop Level Radar (TLR) mounting the Rajendra with its Power Supply Vehicle (TPSV), one Radar Sensor Vehicle (RSV) which is equipped with the 3D-CAR radar along with its Data Center Vehicle (DCV) which houses the radar consoles, data processor unit and communication unit, the CPV and the 3D-CAR Power Supply Vehicle (CPSV).

Each Troop is also equipped with one Transportable Satellite Terminal (TST) mounting a SATCOM dish and one Troop Control Centre (TCC) which acts as the heart of the troop and controls all missile launches.

Akash ML Missile Launcher vehicle on 8x8 Tatra truck DSEI 2017 defense security exhibition London UK 925 001
Akash Missile Launcher at DSEI 2017, the Defense and Security Exhibition in London, UK. 

The Missile Launcher (ML) vehicle is based on 8x8 military truck chassis Tatra which is armed with three missile ready to fire. The design of the Akash missile is similar to the Soviet-made SA-6 with four long tube ramjet inlet ducts mounted mid-body between wings.

The Akash is a surface-to-air missile which has an intercept range of 30 km. It has a launch weight of 720 kg, a diameter of 35 cm and a length of 5.78 meters. Akash flies at supersonic speed, reaching around Mach 2.5. It can reach an altitude of 18 km and can be fired from both tracked and wheeled platforms.

The Missile has command guidance in its entire flight. It can carry conventional and nuclear warheads weighing up to 60 kg. The integration of nuclear warhead allows the missile to destroy aircraft as well as warheads released from ballistic missiles.

Akash FCC Fire Control Center on 8x8 Tatra truck DSEI 2017 defense security exhibition London UK 925 001
Akash FCC Fire Control Center at DSEI 2017, the Defense and Security Exhibition in London, UK. 

The FCC is based on 8x8 military truck chassis designed and manufactured by the Czech Company TATRA. 

The FCC (Fire Control Center) displays integrated air situation picture based on data received from the MGR and surveillance radar.

Akash MGR Missile Guidance Radar on 8x8 Tatra truck DSEI 2017 defense security exhibition London UK 925 001
Akash MGR Missile Guidance Radar at DSEI 2017, the Defense and Security Exhibition in London, UK. 

The Missile Guidance Radar (MGR) is a primary radar designed for the Surface-to-Air Akash weapon system. it is a missile guidance and tracking radar based on Phased Array Technology with Electronic Scanning.

The MGR has been developed as a Multi Function Array Radar (MFAR) for Akash with multi-function capabilities such as surveillance, tracking, command guidance, Integrated IFF etc. Subsequent threat evaluation and weapon assignment are done in the Control Center. It is a Phased Array Radar performing all the functions of airspace surveillance, target detection, track identification and missile guidance.

Akash TPSV TLR Power Supply Vehicle 8x8 truck Tatra India DSEI 2017 defense security exhibition London UK 925 001
Akash TPSV (TLR) Power Supply Vehicle at DSEI 2017, the Defense and Security Exhibition in London, UK. 

The TLR (Troop Level Radar fitted with the Rajendra radar) Power Supply Vehicle (TPSV) is the power source vehicle for the TLR. On number of TPSV is catered for each firing unit of the regiment. The power source meets the stringent requirements of quality parameters.

The TPSV consists of two Nos. of 415 V, 50 Hz 3 Omega, 90 kVA generator sets and fuel tanks housed inside an ISO corner type container.

The container is suitable for mobile application and mounted on 8x8 truck chassis TATRA. The container has a proper acoustic and thermal insulation to meet the requisite noise standards.

Akash WLR Weapon Locating Radar Swathi India DSEI 2017 defense security exhibition London UK 925 001
Swathi WLR Weapon Locating Radar at DSEI 2017, the Defense and Security Exhibition in London, UK. 

The Swathi Weapon Locating Radar (WLR) is a mobile artillery locating phased array radar developed by India. This counter-battery radar is designed to detect and track incoming artillery and rocket fire to determine the point of origin for Counter-battery fire.

The Weapon Locating Radar (WLR) Swathi is able to detect 81mm or larger mortars from 4 to 20 km, 105mm or larger guns from 6 to 30 km and flight rockets from 6 to 40 km.

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