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Karrar MBT tank delivery to Iranian army March 2018 10907171.

| 2017
Defense & Security News - Iran
Armed Forces of Iran will take delivery of first local-made Karrar main battle tanks in March 2018.
Commander of Iran’s Army Ground Force Brigadier General Kiomars Heidari has announced that the Iranina armed forces will receive soon local-made state-of-the-art main battle tanks “Karrar” fully developed and designed by the defense industry of Iran.
Commander of Iran’s Army Ground Force Brigadier General Kiomars Heidari has announced that the Iranina armed forces will receive soon local-made state-of-the-art main battle tanks “Karrar” fully developed and designed by the defense industry of Iran.
New Iranian-made Karrar main battle tank

Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency, Brigadier General Kiomars Heidari pointed to the process of delivering Karrar main battle tanks to the Army Ground Force and said God willing, they would be received by the end of the current Iranian year (March 20, 2018).

In August 2016, Iranian Television "Telewebion" has unveiled the new Iranian-made Karrar MBT (Main Battle Tank).

In March 2017, the Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehghan has inaugurate the production line of the new home-made Karrar main battle tank at the Bani-Hashem Armor Industrial Complex in Dorud County, Lorestan.

According to military experts and opur first analysis, the Karrar MBT is based on the chassis of the Soviet-made T-72 but fitted with a new turret. The design of the tank seems to be very similar to the Russian-made T-90MS main battle tank.

The Karrar MBT Main Battle Tank is fitted with a new welded turret which is armed with a a 125 mm smoothbore gun fitted with a fume extractor and a thermal sleeve. The cannon can fire all standard ammunition as the armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot (APFSDS), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) and high-explosive fragmentation (HEF) and anti-tank guided missiles.

The Karrar is protected with a new armour package with ERA (Explosive Reactive Armour) at the front of the hull and the turret which gives protection against chemical energy and kinetic energy attack. The roof of the turret is protected with additional armour and each sides are fitted with spaced composite armor modules.

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