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Russia planning Khrisantema-S anti-tank missile system modernization.

| 2017

The self-propelled antitank missile complex Khrisantema-S will be modernized and the design has begun, Designer General of the Machine-building Design Bureau (KBM) Valery Kashin told journalists on Sept. 15. 

Russia planning Khrisantema S anti tank missile system modernization 001
The 9M123 Antitank Guided Missile for Khrizantema-S
(Credit: Vitaly Kuzmin)

"As for Khrisantema, a lot of time has passed and we are planning modernization. There are perceptions and ideas how to progress and we shall implement them," Kashin said.

The KBM press service earlier told TASS the bureau had completed government acceptance tests of a modernized combat vehicle for the antitank Khrisantema-S missile complex which received a modern Belarussian-made heat-television sight unit.

The press service also said test trials of the new sight designed by the Peleng bureau in Minsk by the technical assignment of the KBM displayed high reliability and targeting precision against its predecessor. Khrisantema-S used to have a Ukrainian-made sight.

The Khrisantema-S is designated to destroy modern and perspective tanks of any type, including those protected by active armor. The 9M123 missile is supersonic, flying at an average speed of 400 m/s or Mach 1.2 and has a range of between 400 and 6,000 meters. The Khrizantema is unique among Russian anti-tank guided missiles as, depending on the variant the missile, it can either be guided by laser or radar.

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