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U.S. Army Security Force Assistance Brigades to be equipped by Harris communications systems.
U.S. Army Security Force Assistance Brigades that train and organize coalition forces are to be equipped with Harris Corporation communications systems.
U.S. Soldiers with Security Force Assistance Team Seven, Texas Army National Guard provide over watch security for Air Force Explosive Ordinance Disposal personnel outside an Afghan Border Police checkpoint. (Photo by Staff Sgt. Shane Hamann/U.S. Army)
Harris, which did not detail the financial value of the contract, said it will supply its Falcon III AN/PRC-152A wideband networking handheld radios, AN/PRC-117G multi-band networking manpack radios and AN/PRC-160 high-frequency manpack radios to the U.S. Army. The radios will be equipped with the Soldier Radio Waveform and the Adaptive Networking Wideband Waveform for enhanced battlespace communications. Additional details of the order, however, were not disclosed.
"The Security Force Assistance Brigades are an important, near-term Army priority," Chris Young, president of Harris Communication Systems, said in a press release. "Our world-class manufacturing facility enables us to quickly support the Army with immediate delivery of these battle-tested radios and waveforms, providing the critical communications capability for these brigades on the battlefield." The SFAB trains and organizes coalition forces and equips them with equipment needed to complete their missions. The SFAB builds coalition partner capability, preserving U.S. Army combat forces for other pressing missions.