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Ukraine continues to promote BTR-3 and BTR-4 armoured personnel carrier to international market 10803171.

| 2017
Defense & Security News - Ukraine
Ukraine continues to promote BTR-3 and BTR-4 armoured personnel carrier to international market
The conflict between the central Ukrainian government and Russian-supported separatists in Ukraine's eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk has effectively placed Ukraine's defense industries on a war footing. (Source Forecast International Weapons Group)
The conflict between the central Ukrainian government and Russian-supported separatists in Ukraine's eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk has effectively placed Ukraine's defense industries on a war footing. (Source Forecast International Weapons Group)
BTR-3 8x8 armoured vehicle personnel carrier of Ukrainian army
Although the BTR-3 vehicle was initially an export product, the urgency of providing Ukraine's largely underequipped Army and National Guard troops and volunteer battalions with modern armored vehicles has increasingly taken precedence.

The Ukrainian military had largely prioritized the procurement of BTR-4 APCs, as well as the retrofit and modernization of older vehicle stocks over procurement of BTR-3 series vehicles. However, statements and documentation from relevant Ukrainian contractors and defense bodies suggest that the military plans to accelerate procurement of the new-build BTR-3 series.

In the years prior to Ukraine's political crisis and the initiation of armed conflict in 2014, the BTR-3 series had emerged as a product of considerable success and promise on the international export market, particularly in Asia.

The BTR-4 is fully designed and manufactured in Ukraine, the vehicle is in service with Indonesia, Iraq, Nigeria and Ukraine. The Btr-3 is the previous version of 8x8 armoured personnel carrier produced in Ukraine in different version. The BTR-3 is used by armed forces of Azerbaijan, Chad, Ecuador, Kazakhstan, Myanmar, Nigeria, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and Ukraine.

In addition, Ukrainian defense contractors continue to promote their wares to foreign customers in the hopes of generating future interest and demand for Ukrainian defense products in the event of a return to peacetime conditions. Nevertheless, the demands of the war at home have now largely superseded the country's once profitable defense-export industry.

The BTR-3 is an 8x8 armoured vehicle personnel carrier designed and manufactured by the Ukrainian Company Morozov. The development of the BTR-3 began in the early 2000s as a private venture.
The conflict between the central Ukrainian government and Russian-supported separatists in Ukraine's eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk has effectively placed Ukraine's defense industries on a war footing. (Source Forecast International Weapons Group)
BTR-4 8x8 armoured vehicle personnel carrier
The BTR-4 is a 8x8 wheeled armoured personnel carrier also designed in Ukraine by the Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau as a private venture. . The prototype was unveiled at the Aviasvit'2006 exhibition held in Ukraine in June 2006.

In its base configuration, the BTR-4 is armed with a Grom weapon station whose armament – 30 mm gun, automatic grenade launcher, 7.62 mm machine gun and 4 anti-tank missile launchers is fully stabilized in two planes.

The BTR-4 provides standard ballistic protection against firing of small arms and shell splinters, but it can be fitted with additional armour offering protection against firing of 30mm cannon.

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