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Oshkosh Defense receives order for 248 JLTV Joint Light Tactical Vehicles.

| 2020

Oshkosh Defense announced on July 1 that the U.S. Army Contracting Command, Detroit Arsenal has placed an order for 248 Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (JLTVs) and associated kits. Today’s announced order is valued at $127 million and includes vehicles for the U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps and the Department of State.
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JLTV demonstrated at DVD 2018 near Millbrook (Picture source: Army Recognition)

“The JLTV was designed to provide our troops with unmatched mission capabilities,” said George Mansfield, vice president and general manager of joint programs for Oshkosh Defense. “And while adversaries, terrains, and tactics have all evolved immensely since the vehicle’s conception, the JLTV’s flexible design allows the light tactical vehicle fleet to evolve at a similar pace.”

One such example of the JLTV’s flexibility is its capability to accept any number of advances in weapons, lasers, sensors, networking, and communications. To date, Oshkosh has successfully integrated multiple weapons on the JLTV such as Remote Weapon Systems up to 30mm, anti-tank missile systems, anti-aircraft missile systems, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) systems, and Counter-UAV systems. These systems on the JLTV offer both the protection and the highly reliable defense technologies needed for troops to defeat near-peer adversaries.

Over 7,500 total JLTVs have been delivered to the U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Air Force, and U.S. Navy since the production contract was awarded in 2015. Additionally, foreign interest in the JLTV continues to grow. Several NATO countries have publicly expressed interest in procuring the vehicle, including Lithuania, Slovenia, United Kingdom, and Montenegro.

JLTV modifications

Announced on July 1, Oshkosh Defense was awarded a $14,434,397 modification to contract W56HZV-15-C-0095 to retrofit mufflers, forward-facing cameras, larger rear door transparent armor and muffler robustness into the baseline configuration of the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle family of vehicles. Work will be performed in Oshkosh with an estimated completion date of Aug. 31, 2021. Fiscal 2019 and 2020 other procurement (Army) funds; 2020 Army Office of the Chief of Army Reserve funds; and Navy procurement funds in the amount of $14,434,397 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Detroit Arsenal, Michigan, is the contracting activity.

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