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IDEF 2021: Ukroboronprom showcases Night Predator sniper rifle.

| 2021

Ukroboronprom, an association of multi-product enterprises in various sectors of the defense industry of Ukraine, displays on its pavilion at IDEF 2021 the Night Predator sniper rifle infantry gun.

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Such a sniper weapon is capable of not only hitting a normal target at ultra-long distances, but also destroying light armored vehicles or even damaging a tank.(Picture source: Army Recognition)

Developed by the Kiev plant "Mayak", the Night Predator sniper rifle has 15.5mm caliber chambered for standard 14.5x114 machine gun cartridge. The maximum range of the aimed shot is 4000 meters. The shot accuracy is from 1 to 1.5 angular minutes.

The rifle, or as it also called “infantry cannon”, is equipped with a new generation sound moderator, which, in addition to the low sound of the shot, provides a smooth transition of the bullet from internal ballistics condition to external one.

The recoil of this cannon is less than 7.62 mm rifles have and therefore has a minimal effect on the quality of the shot. Due to 1330mm barrel length, the standard bullets have an initial velocity of 150 m/sec. and pierce without any problems armored vehicles, engineering fortifications and armored helicopter.

Thanks to the invention of Ukrainian gunsmiths – a new generation sound moderator- which, in addition to all, works as a ballistic refrigerator, the rifle temperature during intense combat is the same as the temperature of the human body. And this greatly complicates its detection with appropriate camouflage.

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The maximum range of the aimed shot is 4000 meters (Picture source Army Recognition)

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Night Predator specifications (Picture source Army Recognition)

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