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Belgium Army acquires French Akeron MP anti-tank missiles.

| 2023

Belgium has ordered 761 Akeron MP anti-tank missiles from MBDA. This order follows Luxembourg's acquisition of 90 units. The delivery is scheduled between 2026 and 2029.
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The Akeron MP is a portable missile developed by MBDA, designed for anti-tank warfare (Picture source: French MoD)

The Akeron MP is a portable missile system developed by MBDA, designed for anti-tank warfare, dismounted or integrated into combat vehicles. Development began in 2009, with mass production starting in 2013. The missile has been demonstrated and tested successfully, leading to its adoption by the French army and collaboration with Sweden. With a range of up to 8 km, the ability to penetrate heavy armor, and compatibility with various platforms, the Akeron MP represents a significant advancement in missile technology.

As part of the CaMo Bilateral Partnership, the Akeron MP has become a key element in the closer ties between the Belgian and French ground forces. This effort has been underway for five years to strengthen military cooperation between the two nations. Additionally, the missile is also at the heart of the European Project LYNKEUS, led by France, Belgium, Cyprus, and, more recently, Sweden. This ambitious project aims to advance the "beyond-line-of-sight" (BLOS) firing capability of the missile system, paving the way for more advanced and coordinated ground combat capabilities on a continental scale.

The first units will be equipped starting in 2026 by a first battalion, achieving initial operational capability in 2027. The SCORPION transformation of the motorized brigade will accelerate from 2025.

This being said, the Israeli Rafael's Spike LR missile will remain in the Belgian arsenal until at least 2030. Resources will continue to be allocated to this capability, particularly in terms of training and practice.

Belgium Army acquires French Akeron MP anti Tank missile system 925 002

                               Missile of the MMP MBDA land combat missile system (Picture source: MBDA)


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