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DSEI 2023: FN Herstal unveils FN MWM new versatile weapon mount for land and sea platforms.

| 2023

FN Herstal unveils its newly certified Multi Weapon Mount, meeting full MIL-STD specifications and primed for operational use. This addition further enriches FN Herstal's comprehensive portfolio of top-tier offerings within the Air, Land, and Sea Weapon Systems catalog.
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The FN MWM is a new weapon mount for ground and naval platforms (Picture source: Army Recognition)

The FN MWM is a new weapon mount for ground and naval platforms. The weapon interface can be adapted in minutes to take different caliber weapons:
* 12.7x99mm NATO (.50 Cal) heavy machine guns (FN M2HB-QCB)
* 7.62x51mm NATO medium machine guns (FN MAG 58M/infantry, FN M240 D, H and L)
* 40mm Automatic Grenade Launcher (Mk19 AGL).

A tested and certified multi-calibre weapon system designed by a long-proven weapon system supplier

The FN MWM, a product of collaborative development, testing, and qualification efforts between FN Herstal and FNH UK, boasts a hydraulic buffer system designed to optimize weapon performance under all conditions and firing angles, all the while mitigating recoil effects on both the platform and the operator. Notably, this weapon mount operates entirely mechanically, free from dependence on electrical power sources from the carrier. Its versatility extends to a wide array of options, including specialized adapters for FN MAG, FN M240, and Mk19 weaponry, ballistic protection features, links and cases collectors, and a shoulder bar.

Qualified for use on both wheeled and tracked vehicles, the FN MWM also has a naval variant known as the FN Sea MWM, which has undergone rigorous testing and qualification to ensure reliable performance in extreme maritime environments.

Seamless integration, whether utilizing standard or custom platform connections, is assured, as is the dependable operation with FN Herstal's globally acclaimed range of machine guns. FN mounts like the FN MWM offer modularity and adaptability, making them the exclusive weapon mounts certified by FN Herstal for use with their machine guns worldwide.

Defense News September 2023

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