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First Vydra 8x8 APC from Patria to join Slovakia Armed Forces.

| 2023

According to Praise the Steph on September 26, 2023, the Slovakian Armed Forces received the first KTO Wydra (Vydra) 8x8 armored personnel carrier (APC) from the Finnish company Patria. This delivery results from a strategic partnership between Finland and Slovakia, and the Vydra, a Slovak variant of the Finnish Patria AMV XP 8x8 APC, is poised to play a pivotal role in Slovakia's ongoing military modernization efforts. This initial Vydra, configured for medical evacuation purposes, will be completed by the Slovak company Konstrukta Defence.
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The Wydra (Vydra) 8x8 armored personnel carrier is a Slovak variant of the Finnish Patria AMV XP 8x8 (Picture source: Marcin Cichy/Twitter)

Speaking of Konstrukta Defence, the Slovak state-owned company specializes in the development of various defense systems, including land and air defense weapon systems, ammunition, command and fire control systems, and electronic systems. Their latest addition is the Bia model aimed at modernizing Slovakian 155mm self-propelled howitzer's fleet.

Slovakia's efforts to enhance its actual military capabilities include the acquisition of 76 Patria 8x8 AMV XP Armored Modular Vehicles. These vehicles are an upgraded version of the original Patria AMV, first introduced in 2013. The procurement, valued at 447 million euros, stems from an intergovernmental agreement signed on August 30, 2022, between Slovakia and Finland, following Slovakia's selection of the Patria AMV XP 8x8 as the winner of the BOV 8x8 program tender in March 2022.

Under the contract, the armored vehicles will be delivered in three variants by 2027. Slovakia plans to procure 60 combat versions equipped with a domestic Turra-30 turret and a 30x173mm locally-made GTS-30/N cannon, along with 10 medical and 6 command versions, enhancing the capabilities of the Slovak Armed Forces.

The agreement places a strong emphasis on involving the Slovak defense industry, targeting 40% of Slovak defense industry content. The actual stake exceeds this goal, standing at nearly 43%, benefiting over 40 Slovak defense companies. The initiative aims to transfer technical expertise and innovative solutions to Slovakia. Initially, eight Patria AMV XPs will be manufactured in Finland by Patria, with the rest produced by Slovak companies. This initiative is expected to foster the development of the local engineering and defense sector, offering educational and employment opportunities for the Slovak economy.

In a parallel development, Japan also selected the Patria AMV XP 8x8 to replace its existing Type-96 8x8 Armored Personnel Carriers within the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force. The specific details regarding the number of vehicles and financial terms remain undisclosed, highlighting the suitability of the Patria vehicle on the global defense market.

The AMV XP is an upgraded version of the original Patria AMV, initially unveiled in 2013. These enhanced vehicles come equipped with advanced features, including a cannon compliant with NATO standards, communication and information systems, command and control systems, IED jammers, improved swimming capabilities, 5th-generation electrical circuits, and digital instruments.

The updated Patria model offers improved payload capacity, mobility, and protection capabilities while retaining the layout of the original version. It accommodates a crew of two and can transport up to 10 infantry personnel. Additionally, it can be fitted with various turret types, including remotely operated weapon stations, and can be armed with a 120mm cannon, medium-caliber weapon systems, the Patria Nemo 120 mm mortar system, as well as anti-tank or anti-aircraft missile systems.


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