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Germany Supplies Ukraine with 20 Additional Marder 1A3 Infantry Fighting Vehicles IFVs.

| 2023

According to a statement published by the German Ministry of Defense on September 13, 2023, Germany has delivered 20 additional Marder tracked armored Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs) to Ukraine. This recent delivery brings the total number of Marder 1A3 IFVs supplied by Germany to Ukraine to 60 since the onset of the war in the country.
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German army Marder 1A3 tracked armored IFV Infantry Fighting Vehicle. (Picture source Army Recognition)

The Marder is a tracked armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV), originating from West Germany, was introduced in 1971 and primarily serves the role of infantry support within armored units. Designed by Rheinmetall Landsysteme and manufactured by Maschinenbau Kiel, the Marder boasts a robust welded steel armor. This armor is adept at providing protection against small-arms fire and shell fragments. Notably, the front hull of the Marder is designed to withstand up to 20 mm armor-piercing discarding sabot (APDS) rounds. The Marder 1A3 is an advanced version of the original Marder series, offering enhanced armor protection and equipped with a 20mm automatic cannon and the MILAN anti-tank guided missile system, making it a formidable asset on the battlefield.

In a report from the German weekly news magazine "Der Spiegel" dated March 4, 2023, it was revealed that the German defense company Rheinmetall would be supplying Ukraine with 250 tracked armored vehicles. This includes not only the 100 Marder 1A3 tracked armored IFVs but also 150 Leopard 2A4 and Leopard 1A5 Main Battle Tanks (MBTs).

Furthermore, on August 19, 2023, the Army Recognition editorial team highlighted the deployment of the German-supplied Marder 1A3 by the Ukrainian 82nd Air Assault Brigade in a combat operation, marking its first use in live combat.

For context, the Ukrainian army has been operating Soviet-era BMP-1 and BMP-2 Infantry Fighting Vehicles. The BMP-1, introduced in the 1960s, was revolutionary for its time, featuring a 73mm smoothbore gun and the ability to launch AT-3 Sagger anti-tank guided missiles. However, its armor protection was found lacking in modern combat scenarios.

The BMP-2, introduced in the 1980s, was an improvement over its predecessor. It features a 30mm 2A42 autocannon, a coaxial 7.62mm PKT machine gun, and the ability to fire advanced anti-tank missiles like the 9M113 Konkurs. The BMP-2 offers better armor protection than the BMP-1, but it still remains vulnerable to modern anti-tank weapons.

In comparison, the Marder 1A3, with its advanced armor and weapon systems, provides the Ukrainian forces with a significant upgrade in terms of protection and firepower. The integration of these vehicles into the Ukrainian army is expected to bolster their defensive and offensive capabilities in the ongoing conflict.

Defense News September 2023

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