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IDEX 2023: Discover combat capabilities of Russian TOR-M2KM air defense combat system.

| 2023

The Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant Kupol as a member of Almaz-Antey Air and Space Defense Corporation has presented a wide range of its defense products at IDEX 2023 exhibition in Abu Dhabi, IDEX 2023, including the Tor-E2, Tor-M2K, and Tor- M2KM SAM systems in three configurations: stationary, vehicle and semi-trailer mounted, as well as the Typhoon-AD combat vehicle of MANPAD antiaircraft gunners. Full-fledged mockups of the products are demonstrated at Almaz-Antey’s joint exposition.

Army Recognition Official Show Daily News and Web TV UMEX 2020 925 001
Tor-M2KM air defense missile system that can deployed on ship or building. (Picture source Army Recognition)

Tor is a family of Russian-made air defense systems which are having unparallel performance characteristics. Combat vehicles boast fast deployment (3 minutes, a world record as of today) which allows repelling a surprise attack; high speed of airspace surveillance (1 antenna revolution per second that also makes it second to none) for prompt reaction in a fluid situation; fast acquisition-to-engagement reaction time standing at 5-10 sec that increases the probability of intercepting low-flying targets always detected after air threats flying at medium and high altitudes. Besides, the Tor- M2E, Tor-M2K, and Tor-E2 are the only short-range AD systems in the world capable of firing on the move. Its high-performance characteristics have repeatedly been proven by numerous trials including those conducted by foreign customers, as well as in combat. It should be kept in mind that the Kupol company as a key developer and manufacturer of the Tor family sticks to a responsible marketing policy, always putting down the proven performance characteristics in ads and documents. Thus, record figures can be much higher and Tors air defense systems have repeatedly demonstrated it in trials and combat
A state-of-the-art member of the family, the Tor-M2KM, stand-alone combat module lacks chassis whatsoever. Due to this, the Tor-M2KM module is much lighter than the Tor-M2E combat vehicle (15 tonnes vs 37 tones), cheaper and has many features that are not available for the wheeled and tracked versions
In terms of its reconnaissance and firing capabilities, the Tor-M2KM is fully compatible with the Tor-M2E. In one revolution of the antenna, it can detect up to 48 targets at a range of 32 km, rank them according to the threat level, pick the 10 most dangerous for auto tracking and engage simultaneously four of them. The reaction time from target detection to SAM launch is 5-10 seconds, with 3 sec spanning between launches. The maximum kill range and altitude are 15 km and 10 km respectively. The course parameter is ±8 km. The system is capable of intercepting small targets with an RCS of below 0.1 m2, flying at ultra-low altitudes (10 m and below). The radio-command method of guidance makes it possible to plot different target trajectories including diving, as well as to guide SAMs to the most vulnerable parts of the target. The Tor-M2KM’s powerful radars are noted for their high accuracy exclude firing one target with two SAMs and provide reliable jamming immunity. During trials in Greece Tors were not suppressed by NATO EW. Russian EW did not manage to overcome the SAMS, either.

The lack of chassis makes the Tor-M2KM a point defense asset of choice. One module can cover up to 176 km2. When defending stationary assets such as military bases and airfields, the requirements for the mobility of air defense facilities are significantly lower, thus the money saved on the chassis can buy more SAMs.

As the module can be airlifted by a helicopter, it can be placed in hard-to-reach places - in the mountains, on the roofs of buildings, etc. - where few SAMs will be able to get. Mounting the Tor-M2KM on rooftops for covering industrial clusters and other assets will enhance the acquisition range, reduce the effect of such factors as the terrain and surrounding buildings and ultimately move the interception point to the far end of the envelope, something to consider when it comes to the protection against debris from downed air attack weapons, notorious for casualties and destruction. At the same time, the possibility of engaging low-flying airborne threats is retained due to both the curvature of the earth’s surface and the fact that the Tor family SAMs can aim at targets in the lower hemisphere in a narrow, but sufficient sector at a negative elevation angle with the guidance sector provided from -5° to +85°.

Giving up the chassis does not translate into a complete loss of maneuverability. The Tor-M2KM module can be transported on any platform of suitable carrying capacity such as automotive chassis, semi-trailers, trailers, etc. Provided a 25 t crane is available its loading will take 10 min. Due to the shortest time of changing from travel into combat mode all Tors even considering time for loading/unloading have deployment time after position change at the level of modern Western short-range SAMS deployed in 10-15 minutes. That is, by Western standards, the Tor-M2KM remains a highly maneuverable SAMS!

The independent combat module is easily integrated with a suitable load-carrying platform. For example, the Tor-M2KM mounted on a KamAZ chassis is even superior to the base model in the speed of movement on the paved road, although inferior in cross-country. Therefore, if necessary, the Tor-M2KM can easily change its role from point AD to troop covering.

Its deployment on the deck of a ship will transform the Tor-M2KM from land-based to ship-based. The feasibility of using the ICM in the maritime capacity has been repeatedly proven. First actual offshore firing of the system was carried out in 2016, by the frigate Admiral Grigorovich. During the trials, the Tor- M2KM successfully hit a high-speed and low-flying target. Thus, the module can be used to quickly build up the air defense capabilities of both individual ships and vessels, as well as naval escorts. For littoral countries the Tor-M2KM will prove to be an asset of choice in terms of ensuring the availability of air defense means on land and at sea.

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