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IDEX 2023: Rafael from Israel launches its IRON BEAM laser weapon in the Middle East.

| 2023

For its first participation at IDEX, the Israeli company Rafael exhibits its full range of defense solutions and innovations including for the first time its IRON BEAM high energy laser weapon system (HELWS). The IRON BEAM HELWS is designed to augment the capabilities of air defense systems like the IRON DOME.

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(Picture source Army Recognition)

At the same time, the Israeli company inaugurates its new office to explore opportunities in the region, utilizing its culture of collaboration, excellence and innovation to create relationships with governments, customers and defense industry leaders. The Abu Dhabi office joins the ranks of RAFAEL's global network of operations.

Iron Beam is a directed-energy weapon air defense system fully developed by the Israeli defense company Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. It is designed to destroy short-range rockets, artillery, and mortar bombs with a range of up to 7 km. The laser weapon works with with Iron Dome system air defense missile system as a complementary weapon.

Beyond the array of advanced air defense solutions like the DRONE DOME and the SPYDER, RAFAEL has expanded its portfolio and upgraded systems to meet emerging threats. The SPYDER air defense system has been upgraded to allow for the counter ballistic missile capability through an extended range of the Derby LR missile.

Another first at the UAE based exhibition will be RAFAEL's NLOS Mission Task Force (NMT), which utilizes the world's first 6th generation missile, the SPIKE NLOS. This will be displayed at the RAFAEL booth alongside manned and unmanned systems that are supported by Artificial Intelligence, UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) management systems, and sophisticated robotics which allow for unprecedented situational awareness and flexibility for any force in the complex modern battle space. This display will also feature new, unique capabilities that RAFAEL has developed and is offering for remote controlled weapon stations like the SAMSON.

RAFAEL's focus at IDEX is also highlighted by the company's new space portfolio. The research and development of new space capabilities will be represented through the LITESAT electro-optical earth observation system which functions as a microsatellite to provide high-resolution, geospatial data.

Since the signing of the Abraham Accords, RAFAEL has embraced the formalization of regional partnerships in the Gulf. This partnership has involved close work on business opportunities and participation in both local and global exhibitions in the region and within the UAE. The new era officially commenced at the Dubai Air Show of 2021 and RAFAEL has only continued building and deepening our ties based on a shared vision of staying at the cutting-edge and finding the most advanced solutions to the threats that effect the region.

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