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IDEX 2023: Streit Group from UAE to market Masmak 2 4x4 armored vehicles and Alakran mortar system.

| 2023

During IDEX 2023, an International defense exhibition in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, the UAE-based company Streit Group signed an MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) with Saudi Groups from Saudi Arabia to market the Masmak 2, a 4x4 armored vehicle, and the company Milanion NTGS to jointly commercialize the Alakran mortar system that can be integrated on a light tactical vehicle.

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Streit Group in collaboration with Saudi Groups to market Masmak-2 4x4 armored vehicle. (Picture source Army Recognition)

In collaboration with the company Saudi Groups from Saudi Arabia, the UAE-based company will market the new Masmak-2, a 4x4 armored vehicle an improved version of the Masamak that was unveiled in 2012 by the Saudi Groups.

Streit Group and Saudi Group have signed a joint venture to produce the new Masmak-2 4x4 armored vehicles in Saudi Arabia. The vehicle will offer more protection and internal space than the previous version. The Masmak-2 is a military vehicle in the category of MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) offering a high level of protection against ballistic and mine threats up to Level 4 STANAG 4569.

The design of the Masmak-2 is very similar to the previous version with the engine at the front, crew in the middle, and troops compartment at the rear. The vehicle has a V-shaped bottom hull ensuring protection against blasts of mines and IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) up to Level 4 a/b STANAG 4569, 10 kg of TNT explosion under the wheels and body of the vehicle.

The Masmak 2 is motorized with a 6-cylinder turbo-charged diesel engine developing 450 hp coupled to an automatic transmission. The vehicle can reach a top road speed of 150 km/h with a maximum cruising range of 600 km. It can negotiate a slope of 70% and a side slope of 40 %. It can climb a vertical obstacle of up to 500 mm and cross a trench of 900mm maximum.

Streit Group from UAE to market Masmak 2 4x4 armored vehicles and Alakran mortar system 925 002
The Alakran is a mobile mortar system that can be easily integrated into light wheeled tactical vehicles. (Picture source Army Recognition)

The Alakran is a mobile automatic mortar system that can be easily integrated into a light tactical vehicle or tracked armored providing high mobility for a self-propelled mortar system using 81mm or 120mm mortar. It is a sophisticated modular "Plug and Plays" weapon system that is affordable, simple to operate, easily configured, platform agnostic, and adaptable to changing mission requirements and operational challenges.

The mortar system of the Alakran is connected to a computerized fire control offering Shoot and Scoot capability that involves firing on an enemy target and then quickly moving to another location to avoid being targeted in retaliation. In less than 1 minute, the Alakran can be deployed, fired, and leave its position before the first round impacts the target.

The Alakran prioritizes safety for the operators and shoots on the ground, transmitting all recoil force directly to the ground,, protecting the vehicle and avoiding the risk of soldiers being trapped in the combat zone. The operator uses a lanyard to shoot more than 3 m away from the weapon and this protects them from brain injuries due to the shockwave overpressure in each shot.

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