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India successfully tests Akash missile in exercise Astrashakti 2023.

| 2023

India has recently achieved a milestone in the development of its air defense capabilities with the successful demonstration of its Akash missile system during Exercise Astrashakti 2023. This indigenous surface-to-air defense system has demonstrated its ability to simultaneously engage four unmanned aerial targets.
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The Akash air defense missile is designed and developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and produced by Bharat Dynamics Limited (Picture source: Wikimedia)

Exercise Astrashakti 2023, conducted by the Indian Air Force (IAF) at the Suryalanka Air Force Station in Andhra Pradesh, is a showcase of India's indigenous air defense capabilities. The exercise prominently featured the Akash missile system, an indigenous air defense system that has been in service with the Indian armed forces for nearly a decade. The exercise also included successful trials of the SAMAR (surface-to-air missile for Assured Retaliation) air defense missile system, developed by a unit under the IAF's maintenance command. SAMAR, introduced in this exercise, successfully passed firing trials in various engagement scenarios.

The Akash system, designed and developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and produced by Bharat Dynamics Limited, is a key component of India's defense arsenal. In service since 2009, it is gradually replacing older Soviet-origin air defense systems within the Indian military. This system boasts advanced capabilities, including the ability to track multiple targets simultaneously, a feature demonstrated during Exercise Astrashakti.

This impressive performance was achieved using two Akash Air Force Launchers (AAFL), each armed with five missiles. The targets, approaching in a tight formation, were detected and tracked by the Firing Level Radar (FLR), and firing commands were issued from the Firing Control Centre (FCC).

India's achievements in air defense extend beyond strengthening its domestic capabilities; it is also opening doors to the international arms market. India recently secured an export contract for the Akash system, although the purchasing country has not been disclosed. This contract marks a significant milestone for India in terms of defense equipment exports.

Beyond its military use, Akash serves as a tool for diplomacy and international cooperation. India showcased this system, along with other military equipment, at a conference of Indian army commanders and commanders from African nations in April 2023. Such events provide a platform for India to promote its defense industry and strengthen its ties with other nations.

Lastly, the significance of Akash goes beyond the military realm. DRDO aims to inspire the next generation of defense researchers. An example of this is the inauguration of a replica of the Akash missile at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mumbai by DRDO Chief Dr. Samir V Kamat, intending to attract young talent to research and development in the defense sector.


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