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Kongsberg to supply NASAMS air defence systems and new missiles to Norway.

| 2023

The Norwegian government on November 15 announced investment plans to strengthen air defence in Norway by ordering new NASAMS air defence systems from Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace.
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NASAMS air defence is the result of the long-standing cooperation between the Norwegian Armed Forces, the authorities, research institutions and private industry (Picture source: Magnus Bjørnnes / Kongsberg)

The proposed investments include 8 launcher units and 4 fire control centers for NASAMS, replacing equipment donated to Ukraine earlier this year. The Norwegian authorities also announced plans to buy new missiles for air defence vehicles and three different missiles for NASAMS with various range capabilities. The NASAMS missiles will be ordered directly from Raytheon, U.S. the supplier.

The investments are subject to Norwegian parliamentary approval, and individual contracts will be announced when they have been concluded. “NASAMS air defence is the result of the long-standing cooperation between the Norwegian Armed Forces, the authorities, research institutions and private industry, and today's news from the Government will contribute to the further development of NASAMS,” says Eirik Lie, President of Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace.

“This is an example of the long-term commitments the industry needs to continue to increase production capacity and delivery capabilities. In recent years, KONGSBERG has invested in expanding its own delivery capacity, and at the same time strengthening ties to the many Norwegian and international suppliers that contribute to making NASAMS competitive internationally.”

The Kongsberg NASAMS, or National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System, is a versatile air defense system designed to protect against a wide range of airborne threats. Developed by the Norwegian defense company Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace, NASAMS has gained global recognition for its effectiveness in safeguarding critical assets, military forces, and civilian populations from aerial threats.

At its core, NASAMS is a network-centric air defense solution that leverages cutting-edge technology to detect, track, engage, and neutralize various aerial threats, including aircraft, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and cruise missiles. It is a flexible and scalable system that can be adapted to meet the specific requirements of different defense scenarios, making it suitable for a wide range of military and strategic applications.

One of the key features of NASAMS is its modular architecture, which allows for the integration of various sensors, launchers, and missiles. The system relies on a sophisticated network of sensors, such as radars and electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) systems, to provide real-time situational awareness. This sensor data is processed and fused to generate a comprehensive air picture, enabling NASAMS to identify and prioritize potential threats effectively.

The heart of the NASAMS system is its launcher unit, which can accommodate multiple missile types, including the ESSM (Evolved Seasparrow Missile) and AIM-120 AMRAAM (Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile). This versatility allows NASAMS to engage a wide spectrum of targets with precision and reliability. The system's missiles are equipped with advanced guidance systems, enabling them to engage targets with a high degree of accuracy and lethality.

Furthermore, NASAMS is designed to operate within a network-centric environment, seamlessly integrating with other air defense systems, command and control centers, and communication networks. This interoperability enhances the system's overall effectiveness by enabling the sharing of critical information and facilitating coordinated responses to emerging threats.

NASAMS is renowned for its mobility and rapid deployment capabilities, making it well-suited for both static and mobile defense applications. Its transportable launchers and associated equipment can be quickly relocated to respond to changing threat scenarios, ensuring the protection of critical assets and personnel

Defense News November 2023

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