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GDELS starts production of 80 Eagle V armored vehicles for Luxembourg army.

| 2023

The Luxembourg Directorate of Defence has taken a step in modernizing its armed forces by ordering 80 Eagle V 4x4 vehicles from GDELS on October 25, 2022. Their production has started. This move aligns with the country's commitment to enhance its operational capacities and conduct all types of military reconnaissance missions.
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Eagle V 4x4 Vehicles (Picture source: GDELS )

The order is for the heaviest 4x4 specification at 10 tons, designed to carry large amounts of communication equipment. This includes the French-designed Scorpion CIS to interoperate with France and Belgium, the CONTACT communication system, the Barrage EW/radio suppression system, and the deFNder Remotely Congtrolled Weapon Station.

The Eagle V 4x4 armored vehicle will replace the Humvees and PRVs (Protected Reconnaissance Vehicle) currently used by the Luxembourg Army, which have become obsolete. The procurement includes not only the acquisition of the vehicles but also the logistical support and communication system updates needed to maximize vehicle operability and optimize fleet availability.

The new CLRV of the Luxembourg army will be equipped with cutting-edge onboard technologies provided by Thales. These technologies will support data-driven operations and collaborative engagements, including the common vehicle architecture (vetronics) and the software-defined radio systems developed under France's CONTACT program.

The integration of the SCORPION CIS, CONTACT communication system, Barrage EW, and deFNder RWS will ensure that Luxembourg's land forces can operate more effectively and in greater safety, sharing information immediately. The increased interoperability between the land forces of Luxembourg, France, and Belgium can be the basis for future collaborative operations.


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