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Boxer Bridge-Layer An Essential Solution for Emergency Situations at DVD 2024.

KNDS unveils its Boxer bridge-layer system at DVD 2024 in Millbrook, marking a significant development in the company’s range of mobile military bridges. This bridge-layer is the result of a collaboration between KNDS and its subsidiary, WFEL.
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The Boxer bridge-layer presented at DVD 2024 in Millbrook (Picture source: ArmyRecognition)

KNDS’s bridging systems are increasingly used in emergency situations, especially during natural disasters. In July 2021, following severe floods in Europe, KNDS's rapidly deployable bridges were employed to provide temporary infrastructure. This capability to deliver essential support in critical situations underscores the importance of mobile bridges in emergency relief operations.

The new Boxer bridge layer is designed to deploy two types of bridges: the 22-meter TEJU, classified as MLC 50 for supporting medium forces, and the 14-meter LEGUAN, classified as MLC 80 or MLC 100 for heavy forces. This modularity offers significant operational flexibility, both in military contexts and civil relief missions. The system also provides logistical advantages, sharing common components with the Boxer family of vehicles.

Equipped with an MTU V8 199TE20/21 engine with a power output of up to 600 kW, the Boxer bridge layer has a total weight of 39.5 tons and a length that can vary between 11 and 14 meters, depending on the bridge configuration. Its ability to deploy a 22-meter bridge in under six minutes, or a 14-meter bridge in three minutes, makes it particularly effective for emergency deployments. To facilitate operations, the Boxer bridge layer features a fully automated launching system that functions day and night. A remote-controlled driving and launching kit is also available, enhancing operator safety.

Key technical features include an NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) protection and ventilation system, modular protection equipment against ballistic threats, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and mines. The vehicle also comes with air conditioning, camera systems, and function monitoring equipment for improved operational oversight.

The bridges themselves, whether 14 meters (MLC 80/100) or 22 meters (MLC 50), are designed to span obstacles measuring up to 13 and 21 meters, respectively. The 14-meter bridge weighs 5.1 tons, with a width of 4 meters and a height of 0.83 meters. The 22-meter bridge weighs 7.1 tons, has a width of 3.5 meters, and a height of 0.80 meters.

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