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Brazilian SIATT MSS ATGM to offer next-gen anti-tank capability with fire-and-forget.

The Brazilian defense firm SIATT (Sistemas Integrados de Alto Teor Tecnológico) is making significant strides in anti-tank missile technology with its cutting-edge MSS (Míssil Superfície-Superfície) Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) platform. As the platform evolves, it is set to redefine Brazil’s anti-tank and precision strike capabilities for land forces, positioning itself as a critical element of the Brazilian Army’s future combat operations.
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SIATT’s MSS ATGM platform, with advanced armor-penetration and extended-range capabilities, represents the future of Brazilian anti-tank weaponry, poised to deliver precision and fire-and-forget technology to the battlefield. (Picture source: Brazilian MoD)

SIATT’s MSS ATGM platform is currently under development, with plans to incorporate advanced fire-and-forget technology that will enable operators to launch the missile and immediately relocate, thus minimizing their exposure on the battlefield. The anticipated capabilities of the MSS ATGM are impressive: the system is expected to pierce more than 1,000mm of Rolled Homogeneous Armor (RHA), effectively neutralizing a wide array of modern main battle tanks (MBTs) and armored vehicles. This level of penetration places the MSS ATGM in the same class as some of the world's most powerful anti-tank missiles, addressing critical threats posed by heavily armored and reactive armor-protected targets.

In addition to its high penetration capability, the MSS ATGM’s future fire-and-forget model will boast a range of over 4 kilometers, providing Brazilian forces with substantial stand-off capability. This extended range will be vital for Brazil’s defense operations, especially in open or rugged terrains where longer-range engagements are necessary for tactical advantage.

While the fire-and-forget version represents the ultimate goal of the MSS ATGM project, SIATT’s immediate focus is on the development of a laser-guided extended-range variant of the missile. This variant is designed to enhance the precision and operational reach of the Brazilian Army’s anti-tank forces, delivering effective engagement capabilities at considerable distances. The laser guidance system enables precise targeting of both stationary and moving targets, granting operators greater control over the missile’s flight path and reducing the chances of countermeasures interrupting its trajectory.

The MSS ATGM platform marks a milestone in Brazil’s ambitions to develop indigenous, high-performance defense solutions, reducing dependency on foreign technology. Furthermore, the platform’s compatibility with various tactical vehicles and potential for integration with other defense systems highlight its versatility. These capabilities enhance the system's export potential, as nations looking to enhance their anti-tank defenses are likely to be drawn to the MSS ATGM’s advanced specifications and multi-platform integration flexibility.

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