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French police's RAID forces ramp up training for 2024 Olympic Games.

| Defense News Army 2024

In anticipation of the 2024 Olympic Games, the daily mobilization of 200 RAID (Search, Assistance, Intervention, Deterrence) officers constitutes a crucial element of the security measures put in place for this major international event. This unprecedented mobilization underscores the critical importance of rigorous training for these elite forces, especially as French authorities have raised the Vigipirate security plan to its highest level, and foreign military personnel will be deployed to ensure the security of the games.
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These exercises have become a regular component of the RAID training program, reflecting the French authorities' desire to maintain a high level of preparedness and vigilance (Picture source: French Police)

In total, 35,000 law enforcement members will be mobilized, including 200 RAID operatives, with 100 of them being deployed during the opening ceremony. Recently, French authorities announced that approximately 2,185 foreign military personnel, including Polish soldiers, will assist France in securing the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

On Wednesday, March 27, a new simulated terrorist attack exercise was conducted, featuring scenarios inspired by the tragic events that struck France in 2015. Designed by the national police, this training aims to test and refine the response reflexes and intervention strategies of elite units against significant threats, as well as to develop interoperability among various services. These exercises often involve hostage-taking and mass shooting scenarios in stadiums or buildings.

These exercises have become a regular component of the RAID training program, reflecting the French authorities' desire to maintain a high level of preparedness and vigilance. The goal is clear: to ensure a rapid and effective response in the event of an incident and to protect athletes, visitors, and all participants of the Olympic Games. The commitment of RAID forces to these simulations highlights the complexity and severity of security challenges associated with organizing events of this magnitude.

In France, the RAID police unit is an elite division of the National Police, specializing in high-risk interventions. Its missions span a wide range of critical operations, including neutralizing active shooters, managing hostage situations, combating terrorism, and responding to urban violence or major crises. The RAID is also involved in close protection missions for endangered personalities and specific operations requiring negotiation and tactical assault skills. This unit is recognized for its expertise in managing exceptional situations, where precision, quick action, and discretion are paramount for the safety of citizens and the success of its missions.

The Paris 2024 Olympic Games, a major global sporting event, raise significant security concerns, particularly regarding the threat of terrorist attacks. In an international context marked by a resurgence of terrorism, and following the Moscow attacks, the French government has raised the Vigipirate security plan to its maximum level. French authorities anticipate various types of threats, ranging from individual attacks inspired by extremism to coordinated operations aimed at disrupting competitions or targeting crowds.

This situation necessitates an unprecedented mobilization of security forces, including specialized units like the RAID, to ensure the protection of athletes, spectators, and infrastructure. Preparations for these threats include specific training, increased surveillance, and close international cooperation to ensure the Games proceed in a safe and secure environment.

Defense News April 2024

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