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Locally-Made M-84 Main Battle Tanks Continue to Be the Backbone of Serbian Army.

| Defense News Army 2024

On March 26, 2024, Serbian soldiers from the 36th Tank Battalion, 3rd Army Brigade, conducted military training exercises with the locally-made M-84 Main Battle Tanks (MBT) which continue to be the backbone of the Serbian Armed Forces. Currently, the Serbian army has a total of 229 Main Battle Tanks (MBTs) including 197 M-84, 2 M-84AS1 an improved variant of the M-84, and 30 T-72MS.
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Serbian soldiers from the 36th Tank Battalion, 3rd Army Brigade, conducted military training exercises with the locally-made M-84 Main Battle Tank MBT. (Picture source Serbia MoD)

The M-84 is a Main Battle Tank (MBT) originally produced by the former Yugoslavia during the 1980s. It is based on the Soviet T-72 but incorporates several improvements and modifications, distinguishing it from its predecessor. The development and production of the M-84 were part of Yugoslavia's effort to modernize its armored forces and reduce dependence on foreign military equipment. After the dissolution of Yugoslavia, the successor states inherited the tanks, and some have continued to use, upgrade, or even produce them under license.

The M-84's development began in the late 1970s when Yugoslavia decided to start domestic production of a main battle tank that was based on the T-72. The decision was driven by the need for a modern and capable tank that could be produced locally, allowing for better control over its design, production, and maintenance. By licensing the technology from the Soviet Union, Yugoslav engineers were able to make several improvements to the design, including enhanced firepower, better communication systems, and improved crew comfort. Production started in the early 1980s, with the VTI (Military Technical Institute) in Belgrade leading the design and development efforts, and the Đuro Đaković factory in Slavonski Brod (present-day Croatia) being the primary manufacturer.

Initially, the M-84 was used exclusively by the Yugoslav People's Army. After the breakup of Yugoslavia, the tank was inherited by several successor states, including Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Outside of the former Yugoslav republics, Kuwait is a notable international user, having purchased a significant number of M-84AB tanks in the late 1980s. Over time, other countries have shown interest in the M-84 or its variants, but the primary operators remain in the Balkans and Kuwait.

The M-84 has a crew of three and is armed with a 125mm smoothbore gun capable of firing a variety of ammunition types, including APFSDS (Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot), HEAT (High-Explosive Anti-Tank), and HE (High-Explosive) rounds. This is complemented by an autoloader system that reduces the crew needed and allows for a higher rate of fire compared to manual loading systems. Secondary armament includes a 7.62mm coaxial machine gun and a 12.7mm anti-aircraft machine gun mounted on the turret, providing defensive capability against ground and low-flying aerial threats.

The M-84 hull and turret consist of composite armor that offers enhanced protection against kinetic energy penetrators and shaped charges. The tank's design includes sloped armor for increased deflection potential and a lower silhouette, reducing its target profile. Additionally, some versions of the M-84 are equipped with explosive reactive armor (ERA) for improved protection against HEAT rounds. The M-84 also integrates nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) protection systems to safeguard the crew in contaminated environments.

The M-84 tank is powered by a 780 horsepower diesel engine, allowing for a top speed of around 60 km/h on roads and a range of approximately 450 km without external fuel tanks. The tank's suspension system is designed for effective cross-country mobility, enabling it to navigate difficult terrains with relative ease. The inclusion of a snorkel system allows the M-84 to ford water obstacles up to 5 meters deep with some preparation, further enhancing its operational flexibility.

The M-84AS1 is a modernized version of the original M-84 main battle tank, incorporating advanced technologies and enhancements to improve its combat effectiveness in contemporary warfare scenarios. This upgrade, primarily developed by Serbia, focuses on significant improvements in firepower, protection, and situational awareness. The M-84AS1 features an upgraded fire control system, improved armor (including modular composite armor and potentially explosive reactive armor for enhanced protection against anti-tank weapons), and an advanced electronic suite that includes command and control, communications, and new sighting systems with thermal imaging for increased target acquisition capabilities. Additionally, the M-84AS1 is equipped with a more powerful engine, improving its mobility and agility on the battlefield.

Despite its origins in the 1980s, the M-84 remains a key asset for the Serbian Armed Forces, its longevity ensured by continuous upgrades, notably to the M-84AS1 variant. These improvements in firepower, protection, and mobility have kept the M-84 competitive, illustrating Serbia's ability to adapt and modernize its military legacy to meet contemporary challenges. The M-84's sustained use underscores its effectiveness and the strategic value Serbia places on evolving its defense capabilities within budgetary constraints, ensuring its ongoing role as a backbone of national defense.

Defense News April 2024

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