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French say yes to high precision controled 155mm shell.

France has selected KNDS France to assist in the development of the high-precision guided munition Katana. The 155 mm shell is currently at Technology Readiness Level 6, with sales approval expected in two years. The Katana can be fired from 155mm caliber guns to strike high-value targets such as artillery systems, radars, or command posts.

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Katana llive test conducted in 2021 by KNDS (Picture source: KNDS)

This development reflects the extensive use of CAESAR cannons on the Ukrainian front, including recent orders for this artillery system, for example, the thirty MKII cannons signed between France and Armenia during the Eurosatory expo. The 155 mm cannon in its MKII version offers enhanced mobility, which helps to avoid counter-battery fire aimed at locating and destroying artillery systems.

The Mk 2 version has a declared range of 60 kilometers (37 miles) and a circular error probability (accuracy) of less than 10 meters (33 feet), thus reducing collateral damage in urban areas.

It includes a warhead that is insensitive to powerful explosives weighing six kilograms (13 pounds) and a programmable multi-mode fuse for a terminal effect adjusted according to the target and its levels of protection.

The fuse allows the warhead to explode in the air, on impact, or after a delay for maximum penetration.

Developed since 2020, the KATANA shell not only allows for programmed detonation but also the ability to change and adjust its trajectory in flight.

Additionally, the Katana is equipped with a global satellite navigation system (GNSS) paired with an inertial navigation system to operate in GNSS-denied environments.

To achieve this performance, the developers will integrate "high-performance electronics designed to withstand extreme accelerations and shocks," stated KNDS France.

Furthermore, its modular design allows for future upgrades and supports the integration of local components, thereby increasing its export potential.

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