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Italian company IDV will lead €20 Million Archytas project to strengthen European AI capabilities.

On June 27, 2024, the Italian company IDV was awarded four research and development projects within the European Defence Fund (EDF), financed by the European Union, amounting to more than €95 million by 2027. This marks the first time in its history that IDV has taken a leading role in one of these projects, known as ARCHYTAS. This project, coordinated by IDV, involves a consortium of 22 public and private partners from 11 countries and will receive €19.9 million to investigate non-conventional Artificial Intelligence (AI) accelerators for defense applications using novel technologies at the device and package level.
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IDV is progressing in the field of Uncrewed Ground Vehicles (UGVs) through strategic partnerships, such as the acquisition of a majority stake in MIRA UGV, now IDV Robotics. (Picture source: IDV)

ARCHYTAS stands for "ARCHitectures based on unconventional accelerators for dependable/energY efficienT AI Systems." The project focuses on developing advanced technologies, including optoelectronic-based accelerators, volatile and non-volatile processing-in-memory, and neuromorphic devices. These innovations are intended to enhance energy efficiency, speed, and cost-effectiveness in defense operations. The project is set to last 36 months, with a total estimated cost and maximum EU contribution of €19,976,637.23.

The consortium for the ARCHYTAS project includes entities such as IVECO Defence Vehicles (Italy), Ubotica Technologies (Ireland), Sorbonne Université (France), and Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (Germany). A key component of this project is Ubotica's SPACE
technology, which offers on-orbit AI processing for Earth Observation satellites. This technology aims to improve threat detection and response times by reducing the need for data transmission back to Earth. The project aligns with the EDF's objective of enhancing Europe’s defense capabilities through collaborative research and development, promoting innovation, and supporting the EU's strategic autonomy and resilience in defense.

The European Defence Fund (EDF) is an EU initiative established in 2017 to support collaborative research and development in defense technologies among member states. Operating under the EU's 2021-2027 financial framework with a budget of nearly €8 billion, the EDF allocates €2.7 billion for defense research and €5.3 billion for capability development. The fund provides financial support through grants, covering up to 100% of eligible research costs and varying percentages for development activities, with additional incentives for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and mid-caps.

EDF projects span various defense domains, including air combat, digital transformation, and space, and are aligned with the defense priorities set by EU member states. The program is structured into annual work programs to ensure consistency with these priorities. By encouraging collaboration among companies and research institutions, the EDF aims to enhance the EU's defense capabilities and strategic autonomy, while also focusing on dual-use technologies that benefit both civilian and military applications.

The approved projects will allow IDV to continue investing in a European partnership framework alongside various companies and research institutes. This collaboration aims to accelerate the development of technologies for improving operational efficiency and protecting soldiers by reducing their presence in critical contexts such as reconnaissance, force support, last-mile refueling, medical support, and CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) response.

Iveco Defence Vehicles (IDV), a division of the Iveco Group, originated from Fiat's commercial vehicle segment and has specialized in manufacturing military and civil defense vehicles. Since the late 20th century, IDV has focused on developing logistic, protected, and armored vehicles for military and civil protection users worldwide. Operating out of its facility in Northern Italy, IDV adapts Iveco’s commercial vehicle range to meet specific defense requirements.

IDV's product range includes multirole vehicles, armored vehicles, and tactical and logistic trucks. Notable products include the Light Multirole Vehicle (LMV), the amphibious Guarani 6x6, and the SUPERAV 8x8, which has become the basis for the US Marine Corps' future vehicle, the ACV. Additionally, IDV is progressing in the field of Uncrewed Ground Vehicles (UGVs) through strategic partnerships, such as the acquisition of a majority stake in MIRA UGV, now IDV Robotics. This involvement emphasizes IDV's role in developing autonomous vehicle technology for defense purposes, as reflected by its selection as the leading entity for the ARCHYTAS project.

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