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MSPO 2024: 105 mm Test Rocket Development to Strengthen Poland's Defense Capabilities.

At MSPO 2024, the Wojskowy Instytut Techniczny Uzbrojenia (WITU), a key Polish defense research institute, presents the 105 mm diameter test rocket. This rocket is part of a broader initiative to advance crucial technologies for space missions. Serving as a testing platform for subsystems and algorithms, the rocket is a vital component in the development of a suborbital, three-stage rocket. The project's objective is to test and refine critical technologies to ensure the success of future space missions.
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This test rocket plays an essential role in refining technologies related to avionics, electronics, materials science, and software development (Picture source: ArmyRecognition)

The 105 mm rocket is made up of several key components, including a recovery head for post-flight retrieval, a propulsion engine, an electronics compartment with telemetry, inertial, and satellite navigation systems, and an onboard computer. Additionally, the rocket has an aerodynamic control system that provides stabilization and control during flight. Its design allows it to reach speeds of up to 650 m/s, ensuring high precision during maneuvers. The rocket is tested on a dedicated platform to evaluate system performance under various conditions, such as high G-forces and rapid maneuvers.

This test rocket plays an essential role in refining technologies related to avionics, electronics, materials science, and software development. The data gathered during these tests is crucial for validating ongoing research, simulations, and measurements, contributing to the development and scaling of future rocket systems. The project also involves multiple test flights, allowing for the refinement of procedures and the development of necessary ground infrastructure.

The project has received substantial support from the European Union, co-financed under the European Regional Development Fund and the Operational Program for Intelligent Development. It is being implemented as part of the Fast Track – Space Technologies competition, led by the National Centre for Research and Development.

Additionally, this rocket development is part of a larger scope of work from WITU, which includes research into rocket motors, propulsion systems, and guidance technologies. These advancements aim not only to boost Poland’s defense capabilities but also to position WITU as a leader in both civilian and military space applications. The successful tests of the rocket’s engine have already met key performance criteria, and the institution plans to extend the rocket’s potential for military use in the future​

The manufacturer, WITU, plays a pivotal role in Poland’s military technology development. With the successful deployment of this test rocket, WITU is positioned to contribute significantly to future space missions and scalable missile systems. As defense technologies evolve, the proliferation of such advancements highlights the growing potential for both military and civilian applications in space exploration.

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