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Rheinmetall from Germany Delivers 20 Additional Marder 1A3 IFVs Infantry Fighting Vehicles to Ukraine.

On October 25, 2024, German defense Company Rheinmetall announced the delivery of 20 additional German-made Marder 1A3 Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs) to the Ukrainian armed forces. The delivery, completed by the end of the third quarter of 2024, comes as part of Germany's ongoing military support for Ukraine in its fight against the Russian invasion. Since the conflict began in February 2022, Germany has delivered 120 Marder 1A3 IFVs, forming a critical component of Ukraine’s armored forces. The latest batch brings the total number of Marder vehicles supplied to Ukraine, both directly and through "ring exchange" agreements with other NATO countries, to approximately 200.
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Marder 1A3 IFV Infantry Fighting Vehicle of the Ukrainian Air Assault Forces in action during training exercises. (Photo credit: Ukrainian Air Assault Forces.)

The Marder 1A3 IFVs (Infantry Fighting Vehicles) deliveries are part of broader German efforts to aid Ukraine, which also include the supply of Leopard main battle tanks. Rheinmetall has provided both Marder IFVs and Leopard tanks in double-digit quantities through the ring exchange process, wherein NATO allies transfer German-made equipment to Ukraine in exchange for replacements. The latest order for the 20 Marder vehicles, financed by the German government, is valued at a mid-double-digit million euro amount. The order was booked in March 2024, reflecting the ongoing commitment of Germany and Rheinmetall to support Ukraine's military efforts. Rheinmetall began refurbishing Marder 1A3 vehicles from German Bundeswehr stocks as early as spring 2022, initially at its own expense, ensuring their immediate deployment on the battlefield.

The Marder 1A3 IFV, originally developed for the German Bundeswehr, is a battle-tested and highly capable armored vehicle. Designed for frontline operations, the Marder 1A3 is equipped with a 20mm automatic cannon, which can engage both ground and low-flying aerial targets, such as helicopters and drones. Additionally, it features a 7.62mm coaxial machine gun, providing extra firepower in close combat situations. The vehicle’s fully tracked chassis ensures high mobility across difficult terrain, making it suitable for the challenging operational environments seen in the Ukrainian conflict.

One of the key upgrades in the Marder 1A3 variants delivered to Ukraine is the inclusion of advanced laser rangefinders, which enhance the vehicle’s precision in target engagement. These systems allow the crew to quickly and accurately identify and engage enemy targets, increasing battlefield effectiveness. The Marder 1A3 is also heavily armored, providing protection against small arms fire, shrapnel, and anti-tank weapons, which are commonly encountered in the current conflict. The refurbishment of these vehicles, conducted at Rheinmetall’s facilities in Unterlüß and Kassel, ensures that the Marders are fully operational and ready for combat. The Marder, though gradually being replaced by the more advanced Puma IFV in the German armed forces, remains a proven and reliable vehicle, with decades of operational experience.

This latest delivery of Marder 1A3s IFVs is another example of the extensive international military support Ukraine has received in its ongoing battle against Russian forces. The continued supply of advanced infantry fighting vehicles like the Marder strengthens Ukraine’s ground forces, providing enhanced mobility, firepower, and protection to its troops as they seek to reclaim territory and repel Russian advances. As the war continues, these deliveries play a crucial role in maintaining Ukraine's operational capability on the front lines.

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