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Romania Set to Acquire 54 South Korean K9 Self-Propelled Howitzers in $1 Billion Defense Deal.

June 7, 2024, Bucharest, Romania – According to information published on June 7, 2024, by the "Romania-Insider" website, Romania is poised to procure 54 K9 self-propelled howitzers from South Korea. The procurement contract, valued at nearly USD 1 billion, marks a substantial investment in Romania's defense infrastructure. According to senior military sources, the deal includes the howitzers and 36 special ammunition carriers, spare pipes, ammunition, and other essential components.
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South Korean Soldiers from the 231st Field Artillery Battalion, 26th Mechanized Infantry Division Artillery, conduct live firing exercises with K9 howitzers during a joint artillery exercise with U.S. Soldiers. (Picture source: U.S. DoD)

The K9 self-propelled howitzer, manufactured by Hanwha Aerospace, is renowned for its advanced artillery capabilities and robust performance in various combat scenarios. This acquisition will significantly bolster Romania's artillery strength, enhancing its ability to respond to modern military threats.

South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-Sik is scheduled to visit Romania next month to discuss further defense cooperation with local government authorities. His primary agenda will be to facilitate the signing of the procurement contract and ensure that the deal progresses smoothly. As stated by Hankyung, the South Korean government aims to finalize the contract within the first half of this year.

Minister Shin's visit underscores the strong defense ties between South Korea and Romania and highlights the strategic importance of this acquisition for both nations. The Romanian authorities, alongside representatives from Hanwha Aerospace, are expected to finalize the terms of the deal during his visit.

South Korea's defense industry has emerged as a global powerhouse in the past decade, driven by significant technological advancements and strategic partnerships. South Korean defense firms have excelled in developing and exporting advanced military equipment, gaining a reputation for reliability and innovation. The K9 Thunder self-propelled howitzer exemplifies this success, having been exported to numerous countries, including Turkey, Poland, Finland, and India. Its proven combat performance and technological superiority have solidified South Korea's position as a leading defense exporter.

The K9 Thunder boasts several technical features that make it a formidable asset on the battlefield. It is equipped with a 155mm/52 caliber gun, capable of firing various ammunition types, including high-explosive, smoke, and precision-guided projectiles. The howitzer can achieve a maximum firing range of up to 40 kilometers with rocket-assisted projectiles. Its advanced autoloader allows for a high rate of fire, delivering up to 6 rounds per minute. The K9 is powered by a 1,000 horsepower engine, providing a top speed of 67 km/h and a range of 480 kilometers. Its advanced fire control system includes automatic gun-laying and real-time data processing, enhancing accuracy and responsiveness in combat situations.

This procurement is part of Romania's broader strategy to modernize its military forces and enhance its defense readiness. The K9 howitzers, with their state-of-the-art technology and proven battlefield performance, will play a critical role in this modernization effort.

The collaboration between Romania and South Korea signifies a growing partnership in defense and technology, setting the stage for further cooperation in the future. This deal not only strengthens Romania's military capabilities but also reinforces the strategic alliance between the two nations.

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