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Saudi Arabia showcases CAESAR artillery system at WDS 2024.

| Defense News Army 2024

Defense and security innovation took center stage at the World Defense Show (WDS) 2024 in Saudi Arabia, where the Saudi Army's mobile artillery system, CAESAR, was presented to the public. This global platform for military technological advancements offers a privileged showcase for the CAESAR, now integrated into the Saudi armed forces, thus illustrating the kingdom's commitment to modernization and enhanced military power.
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The CAESAR of the Saudi Army at WDS 2024 (Picture source: Army Recognition)

The CAESAR, designed and manufactured by the French company Nexter Systems, is a truck-mounted artillery system that combines mobility, firepower, and precision. It is equipped with a 155mm/52 caliber gun capable of firing standard ammunition at ranges from 4.5 to 40 km and can reach up to 42 km with extended-range ammunition. The system is also compatible with Velocity Enhanced Artillery Projectiles (VLAP), allowing it to hit targets even further away, thus extending its effectiveness on the battlefield.

What sets the CAESAR presented at WDS 2024 apart is its incorporation into the Saudi Army, demonstrating the adoption of cutting-edge technologies to bolster its defense capabilities. The displayed version, the CAESAR, is outfitted with reinforced armor protection, with a cabin that can be upgraded to offer ballistic protection level 2 and mine and improvised explosive device (IED) protection level 2.

The design of the CAESAR promotes mobility and quick action, with a maximum speed of 90 km/h on roads and 50 km/h off-road, thus ensuring responsiveness and adaptability on various types of terrain. Its operational range of 600 km without refueling makes it an extremely autonomous artillery system. Moreover, it is equipped with a wide range of accessories such as an inertial navigation system, GPS compatible, muzzle velocity radar, a ballistic computer adaptable to any fire control system, and an auxiliary power unit, ensuring unparalleled shooting accuracy.

The adoption of the CAESAR by Saudi Arabia, joining other international users such as France, Indonesia, Thailand, and Ukraine, underscores the effectiveness and global reputation of this artillery system. Weighing less than 18,000 kg and capable of carrying 18 rounds of ammunition on board, the CAESAR combines powerful firepower with strategic flexibility and mobility, meeting the demands of modern conflicts where speed and precision are paramount.


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