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Informations actualites armees militaires industries salons de defense fevrier 2009 vehicules blinde

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 Actualités mondiales armée - sociétés défense ...

The Dutch Ministry of Defence has bought 9 additional Bushmaster protected patrol vehicles These wi

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The Dutch Ministry of Defence has bought 9 additional Bushmaster protected patrol ve...

Kongsberg has signed a contract with Patria for the Protector weapon control system for delivery to

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Kongsberg has signed a contract with Patria for the Protector weapon control system ...

The US Army TACOM Life Cycle Management Command awarded Navistar Defense LLC nearly $79 million

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The U.S. Army TACOM Life Cycle Management Command awarded Navistar Defense, LLC near...

Firearms maker Heckler Koch announced that it will manufacture two new rifle designs in a ne

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Firearms maker Heckler & Koch announced today that it will manufacture two new r...

Oshkosh Corporation announced today that its Defense division submitted its proposal for the

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Oshkosh Corporation, announced today that its Defense division submitted its proposa...

Force Protection Inc and General Dynamics Land Systems Inc a business unit of General Dynamics C

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Force Protection, Inc. and General Dynamics Land Systems Inc., a business unit of Ge...

The Finnish military is considering replacing its Russian-made surface-to-air missile system, nation

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The Finnish military is considering replacing its Russian-made surface-to-air missil...

Ugandan African Union Mission to Somalia military Tanks patrol their bases in Mogadishu. An African

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Ugandan African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM) military Tanks patrol their bases ...

Supplies to Western forces in Afghanistan through Pakistan's Khyber Pass were briefly suspended on M

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Supplies to Western forces in Afghanistan through Pakistan's Khyber Pass were briefl...

Informations actualites armees militaires industries salons defense janvier 2009 vehicules blindes e

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 Actualités mondiales armée - sociétés défense ...

Un contrat 250 millions de dollars portant sur la livraison de systemes de DCA modernises Pechora-2M

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Un contrat d'un montant total d'environ 250 millions de dollars portant sur la livra...

Many companies of Russia has received a contract around $200 millions for the delivery of the new gr

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Many companies of Russia has received a contract around $200 millions for the delive...

La Russie a entame des livraisons a Iran des systemes de missiles antiaeriens S300 a declare dimanch

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La Russie a entamé des livraisons à l'Iran des systèmes de miss...

Un nouveau regiment ICBM Topol M devient operationnel mercredi dans la region Ivanovo a 200 km au no

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Un nouveau régiment d'ICBM Topol-M devient opérationnel mercredi dans ...

La societe americaine Oshkosh a gagne un contrat de livraison comprenant la fourniture de 400 camion

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La société américaine Oshkosh a gagné un contrat de livr...

Russian deputy foreign minister on Thursday denied claims that Russia had supplied S-300 air defense

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Russia's deputy foreign minister on Thursday denied claims that Russia had supplied ...
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