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Army News

IDEX 2011 defence exhibition new mobility track demonstration area with 14 obstacles 7 new obstacles

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IDEX 2011 the new mobility track demonstration with 14 obstacles ...

IDEX 2011 defence exhibition new mobility track demonstration area with 14 obstacles 7 new obstacles

| 2011
IDEX 2011 the new mobility track demonstration with 14 obstacles ...

IDEX 2011 1,000 defence exhibitors and other military and security companies from more 60 countries

| 2011
IDEX 2011 exhibit space 12% larger, more than 1,000 defence exhibitors from 60 countries ...

L'armée israélienne va déployer Merkava 4 avec le sytème Trophy le long de la bande de Gaza 020111-2

| 2011
L'armée israélienne va déployer le Merkava 4 avec le système Trophy le long de la bande ...

Israeli army will deploy Merkava 4 tank with Trophy protection system along Gaza border 020111-1

| 2011
Israeli army will deploy Merkava 4 tank equipped with Trophy protection system along Gaza border ...

Russian missile manufacturer to build two new production facilities to expand the export UK

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------------------------- FLASH NEWS ------------------------- Russia's ...

Fabricants russes de missile vont construire nouvelles usines pour augmenter exportation 311210-4

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Les fabricants russes de missile vont construire deux nouvelles usines pour augmenter l'exportation ...

Russian missile manufacturer to build two new production facilities to expand the export 311210-3

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Russian missile manufacturer to build two new production facilities to expand the export   ...

Oshkosh Defense va fournir 100 camions LVSR au Corps des Marines de l'armée américaine 311210-3

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Oshkosh Defense va fournir 100 camions LVSR au Corps des Marines de l'armée américaine ...

Our very best wishes and Happy New Year 2011 Army Recognition team Alain Servaes UK

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------------------------- FLASH NEWS ------------------------- Alain ...

Alain Servaqes et l'équipe Army Recognition Nos meilleurs voeux et une bonne année 2011 311210-2

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Nos meilleurs voeux et une bonne année 2011   ...

best wishes and Happy New Year 2011 Alain Servaes General manager and Army Recognition team 311210-1

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Our very best wishes and Happy New Year 2011   ...

Oshkosh Defense to Bolster US Marine Corps with Logistics Vehicle System Replacement LVSR 301210-3

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Oshkosh Defense to Bolster the U.S. Marine Corps with Logistics Vehicle System Replacement LVSR ...

New Attack against the United Nations troops in Ivory Coast, a new war or genocide in the country

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------------------------- FLASH NEWS ------------------------- Following ...

Video Russian Army Airborne Force gets new air defense missile system Strela-10M3

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Russian Army Airborne Force gets new air defense missile system Strela-10M3 ...

attaque contre les troupes de l'ONU en Côte d'Ivoire nouvelle guerre ou génocide 301210-2

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Nouvelle attaque contre les troupes de l'ONU en Côte d'Ivoire, une nouvelle guerre ou un génocide ...

New Attack against United Nations troops Ivory Coast, a new war or genocide in the country 301210-1

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Attack against the United Nations troops in Ivory Coast, a new war or genocide in the country ...

Video New Mi-38 Cargo/Transport helicopter accomplished first Kazan-Moscow flight

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New Mi-38 Cargo/Transport helicopter accomplished first Kazan-Moscow flight ...

Chine veut continuer à développer sa modernisation militaire et sa défense armée chinoise 291210-2

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La Chine veut continuer à développer sa modernisation militaire et sa défense ...

nouvel hélicoptère russe Mi-38 accomplit son premier vol longue distance Kazan Moscou 281210-2

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Le nouvel hélicoptère russe Mi-38 accomplit son premier vol longue distance Kazan - Moscou ...
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