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Exclusive Interview: Aselsan CEO Unveils Skydome & Korkut Air Defense Systems at Eurosatory 2024.

At Eurosatory 2024, Aselsan President Ahmet Akyol showcased the company's advancements in layered air defense solutions, emphasizing the Skydome system and the newly developed Korkut Air Defense System.
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Aselsan's Korkut air defense system on 8x8 vehicle at Eurosatory 2024, Paris. (Picture source: Army Recognition)

The Skydome system represents Aselsan's comprehensive approach to air defense, integrating various subsystems to provide a multi-layered shield against a wide range of airborne threats. This system is designed to detect, track, and neutralize targets, including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), helicopters, and fixed-wing aircraft, through a combination of radar, electro-optical sensors, and effectors.

A significant highlight of the presentation was the Korkut Air Defense System, a state-of-the-art solution tailored for short to medium-range threats. The Korkut system features twin 35mm automatic cannons, capable of firing both high-explosive and airburst munitions, enhancing its effectiveness against a spectrum of aerial targets. The system is designed for rapid deployment and high mobility, ensuring it can be swiftly positioned to protect critical assets and infrastructure.

Akyol underscored the importance of these systems in modern air defense strategies, emphasizing their role in enhancing the protection of national airspace against evolving threats. He noted that the development of these solutions aligns with global defense trends focusing on versatility and rapid response capabilities.

Eurosatory 2024 serves as a critical platform for defense industry leaders like Aselsan to demonstrate their latest innovations and engage with international stakeholders. Akyol's presentation not only highlighted Aselsan's technical prowess but also reinforced the company's strategic vision in contributing to global air defense advancements.

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