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French firm Ouvry introduces new protective equipment at Eurosatory 2024.

At Eurosatory 2024, the premier international defense and security exhibition, the French firm Ouvry has unveiled its latest innovations in individual protection equipment designed specifically for special forces. Ouvry, known for its cutting-edge solutions in personal protective gear, showcased an impressive range of products including high-performance boots, advanced CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) gloves, and decontamination systems.
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Individual protection equipment for the special forces. (Picture source: Army Recognition)

Advanced Boots for Extreme Conditions

Ouvry's new line of high-performance boots is designed to provide unmatched durability and comfort in the most challenging environments. Engineered with input from special forces operators, these boots feature advanced materials and construction techniques to ensure superior protection, mobility, and endurance.

CBRN Gloves: Enhanced Safety and Dexterity

The highlight of Ouvry's presentation was their latest CBRN gloves, which offer enhanced safety without compromising dexterity. These gloves are critical for special forces operating in hazardous environments, providing robust protection against chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats while allowing for precise handling of equipment and weapons.

Innovative Decontamination Systems

Ouvry also introduced their new decontamination systems, which are designed to efficiently neutralize contaminants on personnel and equipment. These systems are essential for maintaining operational readiness and safety in contaminated environments, ensuring that special forces can continue their missions with minimal disruption.

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