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Iran IRGC Planning to Form Shadow Navy Force.

| 2013
Naval Forces News - Iran
Iran IRGC Planning to Form Shadow Navy Force
“The Naval Basij (force) should be quickly organized through the cooperation of the IRGC Navy and the Basij Organization,” Lieutenant Commander of the IRGC Navy Brigadier General Ali Akbar Kharatiyan said on Saturday, addressing a conference in the Southern Iranian city of Bandar Abbas. General Kharatiyan underlined the high capabilities of Iran's Basij force, and said that Basij should be empowered to boost the capabilities of the IRGC Navy.
“The Naval Basij (force) should be quickly organized through the cooperation of the IRGC Navy and the Basij Organization,” Lieutenant Commander of the IRGC Navy Brigadier General Ali Akbar Kharatiyan said on Saturday, addressing a conference in the Southern Iranian city of Bandar Abbas. General Kharatiyan underlined the high capabilities of Iran's Basij force, and said that Basij should be empowered to boost the capabilities of the IRGC Navy.
IRGC Boghammer fitted with anti-ship missiles cannisters
(picture: Internet)
"On the basis of the same plan," he said, "some members of Basij will undergo specialized trainings in the field of naval defense and operations."

Last week, IRGC Navy Commander Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi hailed his forces for their excellent implementation of the IRGC’s short-term and long-term plans, and said the IRGC Navy enjoys active and continued deterrence power in the sea.

“Creation of active and continued deterrence against the arch foes of the Islamic Republic in the sea was a chain of goals which was attained through the efforts of the IRGC Navy’s brave forces,” Fadavi said in Tehran.

“The interlocking loop of this chain is maintenance and resistance of this situation and removing the weak points and strengthening the strong points,” he added.

The IRGC is responsible for the security of the Persian Gulf. In 2008, Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi, former commander of the IRGC and the current military advisor to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, declared that the responsibility for defending the Persian Gulf had been handed over to the IRGC.

He warned that the IRGC would seal the strategic Strait of Hormuz in case the US launches any attack on Iran's nuclear installations.

Iran's naval power has even been acknowledged by foes. In a Sep. 11, 2008 report, the Washington Institute for the Near East Policy said that in the two decades since the Iraqi imposed war on Iran, the IRGC has excelled in naval capabilities and is able to wage unique asymmetric warfare against larger naval forces.

According to the report, the IRGC Navy has been transformed into a highly motivated, well-equipped, and well-financed force and is effectively in control of the world's oil lifeline, the Strait of Hormuz.

The study says that if Washington takes military action against the Islamic Republic, the scale of Iran's response would likely be proportional to the scale of the damage inflicted on Iranian assets.

From Fars News Agency
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