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Beriev plant hands over another upgraded Tu-142MK to Russian Navy.

| 2018

The Beriev Aircraft Plant in Taganrog (TANTK) handed over to the naval aviation another overhauled antisubmarine Tu-142MK aircraft, the enterprise said.

Beriev plant hands over another upgraded Tu 142MK to Russian Navy The Russian Navy Naval Aviation received another overhauled long-range antisubmarine Tu-142MK.

"The naval aviation received another overhauled long-range antisubmarine Tu-142MK after all trials were completed. It was handed over to the Northern fleet and successfully flew to the permanent deployment base," it said.

The Beriev plant is engaged in capital overhaul of Tu-95MS bombers, Tu-142M, Tu-142M3 and Tu-142MR naval aircraft to extend their life cycle.

Tu-142 (Bear-F by NATO classification) is designed to search and destroy submarines in distant patrol areas. The aircraft can engage in reconnaissance, aiming, and search-and-rescue operations. Tu-142 was created on the basis of Tu-95RTs reconnaissance aircraft. Maximum speed is 855 km/h, cruising speed is 720 km/h. Practical range is 12550 km. The aircraft can carry antisubmarine torpedoes, depth bombs, antiship Kh-35 missiles (AS-20 Kayak by NATO classification). The Military Balance publication said the Russian Navy has 22 Tu-142M/MR.

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