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SNA 2018: BAE Systems Unveils the Adaptable Deck Launcher.

| 2018

At the Surface Navy Association's (SNA) 2018 National Symposium currently held near Washington DC, BAE Systems unveiled the Adaptable Deck Launcher, or ADL, capable of launching multiple missile types from multiple platforms for multiple mission scenarios.

BAE Systems ADL Deck Launcher SNA 2018 news Adaptable Deck Launcher scale model on BAE Systems stand at SNA 2018

The Adaptable Deck Launcher, or ADL, meets the need for a fixed angle, low elevation, deck-mounted ship defense launching system (SDLS) for near-term application onboard U.S. Navy and allied ships. The ADL is fully compatible with the Evolved SeaSparrow Missile (ESSM), in the Mk 25 Quad Pack Canister, as well as other canisters compatible with the Mk 41 Vertical Launching System (VLS). Launch control can be provided by the Mk 41 VLS electronics suite and other launch control systems.

Providing a straightforward approach to deploying ESSM in non-Mk 41 VLS 41 ships, ADL benefits from a modular design that allows any number of launch cells to be configured as low angle, deck-mounted launchers for varying ship applications. The ADL is deployed with a protective enclosure to minimize radar signature, maintenance, and to provide protection for the encanistered missiles and service connections. The system is reloadable and will support numerous launches during its service life.

In Proof of Concept demonstrations, ADL successfully launched an ESSM from an ADL-enclosed Mk 25 Quad Pack Canister, verifying that ADL meets requirements for missile egress and gas management and provides adequate launcher structural support, while proving applicability of a Mk 41 VLS Launch Control System variant for SDLS operation.

This identical approach also applies to other missiles and missions including Surface Strike, Air Defense, and Anti-submarine warfare. The ADL answers the call for Distributed Lethality and Distributed Maritime Operations for platforms big and small. Direct applications include LCS, FFG(X) as well as big deck amphibious ships and carriers.

ADL provides near-term, “VLS-like” reliability, and allows low cost operation, leveraging the existing Mk 41 VLS logistics system. The design meets shipboard marinization and survivability requirements and provides armored protection against ballistic threats.

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