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Euronaval 2018: Orolia highlights latest Positioning, Navigation and Timing technologies.

| 2018

Orolia, the global leader in Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT), announced today that its exhibit is addressing the growing threat of GPS/GNSS interference on naval operations at the 2018 Euronaval Exhibition in Paris, France. Orolia is also a European leader in delivering trusted technology solutions for critical programs such as the European GNSS system Galileo, and the European Commission's Horizon 2020 HELIOS project for next generation air, land, and sea technology.

Orolia Assured PNT at Euronaval 2018 001Orolia’s Assured PNT solutions provide secure, reliable PNT information and services for any naval mission

Orolia’s Assured PNT solutions provide secure, reliable PNT information and services for any naval mission, whether on the surface, in the air or underwater. In shallow or deep-water environments, Orolia’s comprehensive portfolio includes critical infrastructure support for naval command and control centers, essential GPS vulnerability testing and services, and wearable solutions that fit in the palm of a hand.

“At Orolia, we understand that naval missions are some of the most complex, covert and remotely operated military missions in the world, and our solutions are ideal for these environments,” said Stéphane Chèze, Dir. EMEA Business Development, Orolia. “Orolia delivers scalable Assured PNT technology, from satellite and shipboard solutions to micro-solutions on small assets and payloads for unmanned underwater, surface or air missions.”

Orolia’s ability to integrate this sophisticated technology on individual assets, such as UAVs, supports complex military missions where multiple UAVs, UUVs or other deployed resources must coordinate their actions and function as a remotely operated team.

The same approach is applied to individual warfighters, where wearable technology provides real-time reports and situational awareness data for critical military decisions. These solutions can also deliver key intelligence, such as virtual battlefield maps of GPS jamming and spoofing activities.

“With Orolia’s Assured PNT solutions onboard for critical satellite signal security and intelligence, we offer the confidence of continuous naval operational capabilities- even in GPS denied environments,” said Orolia CEO Jean-Yves Courtois.

Orolia’s exhibit at Euronaval also includes its comprehensive suite of fixed site and mobile Assured PNT solutions, voyage data recorders, fleet management solutions and a variety of proven naval search and rescue solutions. Orolia also introduces its latest military Assured PNT solution, the SecureFind wearable combat rescue beacon, to the European market.


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