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French industry is exhibiting at DIMDEX: Save the date.

| 2018

Around ten French industrial companies will be exhibiting from March 12th to 14th 2018 at the DIMDEX exhibition, organised by the Qatar armed forces, under the patronage of his Excellency Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, Emir of Qatar.

GICAN DIMDEX Visit the French Pavillon at DIMDEX

“French-Qatar cooperation in the domains of security and defence is a fundamental pillar of our bilateral relations. Officialised by a defence agreement in 1994, it was strengthened in 2017 by a number of pa
rtnerships in the defence, transport and civil aviation sectors”, underlines François LAMBERT, General Delegate of the GICAN (French Marine Industry Group).

In this favourable context, AIRBUS, Cegelec Défense, iXblue, LACROIX, SAFRAN, SOFRESUD, StreamWIDE and ZODIAC MILPRO will be presenting their high-tech products and services under the French Pavilion, organised by the GICAN:
•LACROIX: “SYLENA” (SYLENA Decoy Launching System), the showcase product of its decoy launch systems
•Cegelec Défense:“SPALAX-NG”, New generation Automated Continuous Air Sampling and Purifying forradio Xenon Analysis; and SAMD, a unique worldwide product
•iXblue:Inertial naval and land navigation systems and gyrostabilised platforms for on-board optronics.

The GICAN will present the upcoming EURONAVAL exhibition (Paris-Le Bourget–France from 23rd to 26th October 2018) and the international conference organised in partnership with the FRS (Foundation for Strategic Research) in Paris on October 22nd, the day before the opening of EURONAVAL. Read the exhibitor brochure.

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