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Russian Navy to get Two Upgraded Molniya-class Missile Boats.

| 2018

The Russian Navy will receive two upgraded Molniya-class missile boats of project 1241 by the beginning of 2019. They were initially planned for a foreign customer but the contract was cancelled and the Russian Navy displayed interest in the boats. They will be equipped with modern navigation and communication means and the latest arms. The architecture will change and crew conditions will improve. The boats will be armed with antiship Kh-35U missiles and Pantsir-M seaborne air defense, the Izvestia daily writes.

Russian Navy to get Two Upgraded Molniya class Missile Boats 1The Russian Navy will receive two upgraded Molniya-class missile boats of project 1241 by the beginning of 2019. Vympel Shipyard picture.

Experts believe the upgraded boats will be a powerful weapon less vulnerable for air attack and more comfortable for the crew.

The main Navy command told the newspaper the first of the two project 1241 boats built in Rybinsk is to be handed over to the fleet this year. The second boat is scheduled to arrive in 2019. The deadlines may be postponed if air defense weapons are not ready. One boat is expected to operate in the Black Sea and the other in the Caspian Sea.

The boats were built for export in early 1990s by the massive Soviet project 1241, but the contract failed and the hulls remained at the shipyard. They are being finalized with changes.

Previously project 1241 boats were armed with automatic antiaircraft guns and manpads. Now they have full-fledged protection ensured by Pantsir-M which is a seaborne option of the missile gun capable of fighting adversary aircraft and missiles. Pantsir-M trials have entered the final stage.

Russian Navy to get Two Upgraded Molniya class Missile Boats 2Outdated antiship Mosquito missiles will be replaced by Uran with eight universal Kh-35U missiles with a range of 260 km. Vympel Shipyard picture.

The main weapon will also change. Outdated antiship Mosquito missiles will be replaced by Uran with eight universal Kh-35U missiles with a range of 260 km. They have a small weight and size, but a powerful warhead and autonomous aiming system. Kh-35U are properly protected from jamming, attack targets in a group and can break through adversary air defense at a low altitude.

The boats will be equipped with the latest radar with a phased antenna array to ensure the engagement of modern armaments.

Russian Navy to get Two Upgraded Molniya class Missile Boats 3Project 1241 missile boats have been built for the Soviet Navy and its allies since early 1980s. They were designed to destroy surface warships, transport and landing ships in brown and blue water. The Russian Navy currently operates close to 30 boats of project 1241, most of them with the Pacific fleet. Vympel Shipyard picture.

Expert Dmitry Boltenkov believes the upgraded project 1241 boat will be a powerful weapon to engage in a broad range of missions. "Molniya boats have properly performed and were procured and built by license in other countries. The finalization of available hulls is an absolutely logical decision. New weapons will make the boats excellently defend coastal waters," he said.

Project 1241 boats used to face the problem of a weak air defense. "Automatic guns can intercept missiles, but are incapable against an aircraft or helicopter. Pantsir-M will resolve the problem," he said.
Modern electronics are compact and will free space on project 12418 boats for the crew to improve living and combat conditions.

Project 1241 missile boats have been built for the Soviet Navy and its allies since early 1980s. They were designed to destroy surface warships, transport and landing ships in brown and blue water. The Russian Navy currently operates close to 30 boats of project 1241. The Pacific fleet has most of them, the Izvestia writes.

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