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South Korea - New coastal frigates: the FFX Incheon Class.

| 2018

Hyundai Heavy Industries is being contracted to build two new frigates for South Korea’s navy. The $563 million order external link sees for the delivery of two FFX Batch II ships by 2023.

South Korea New coastal frigates the FFX Incheon Class FFX Incheon Class coastal frigate (Picture source: Korean navy)

The ships will be the seventh and eight units within the Republic of Korean Navy’s coastal frigate program. The 2.800-ton vessels have a maximum speed of 30 knots and are equipped with naval guns and guided missiles.

These Batch II ships will be powered by a single 36-40MW MT30 turbine and all-electric propulsion. This hybrid electric drive propulsion system reduced the ships’ acoustic footprint, making it more effective in anti-submarine operations. The RoKN expects to commission up to eight FFX-II vessels.

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