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Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force conducts rocket firing exercises.

| 2020

The midshipmen are conducting various trainings such as anti-sub rocket firing exercise and ship-to-ship transport training, aboard JS SHIMAYUKI (TV 3513) and JS SETOYUKI (TV 3518) to learn necessary knowledge and skills as MSDF officer during the Training Cruise.

Japan Maritime Self Defense Force conducts rocket firing exercises 925 001 S Setoyuki and JS Shimayuki destroyers of JMSDF conducting firing exercises (Picture source: Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force)

Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force published on its Twitter account that the midshipmen are conducting various trainings such as anti-sub rocket firing exercise and ship-to-ship transport training, aboard JS SHIMAYUKI (TV 3513) and JS SETOYUKI (TV 3518) to learn necessary knowledge and skills as MSDF officer during the Training Cruise.

S Setoyuki (TV-3518) and JS Shimayuki (TV-3513), 130 meters long and 13.6 meters wide, were built originally as destroyers under the Hatsuyuki class but were turned into training vessels in 2012 and 1999 respectively.

The Hatsuyuki-class destroyer is a class of destroyer, serving with the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF). It was the first class of the first generation of general-purpose destroyers of the JMSDF.

Japan Maritime Self Defense Force conducts rocket firing exercises 925 002 S Setoyuki and JS Shimayuki destroyers of JMSDF conducting firing exercises (Picture source: Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force)

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