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Midlife Capability Assurance Program upgrade for Australian Navy HMAS Arunta Anzac Class Frigate.

| 2020

According to information released by the Australian Navy on June 9, 2020, HMAS Anzac frigate has joined HMAS Arunta as the second Anzac Class Frigate to undergo the Anzac Midlife Capability Assurance Program upgrade. Anzac recently sailed to her homeport of Fleet Base West, Garden Island, Western Australia, where she was joined by her sister ship Arunta who completed the program, known as AMCAP, in 2019.
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Midlife Capability Assurance Program upgrade for Australian Navy HMAS Arunta Anzac Class Frigate 925 001 HMAS Anzac is berthed alongside HMAS Arunta at Fleet Base West for the first time post ANZAC Mid-Life Capability Assurance Plan (AMCAP) upgrade. (Picture source Australian Navy)

The aim of AMCAP is to ensure our Frigates remain at the forefront of regional surface combatant capability until the new Hunter Class Frigate is introduced into service later this decade. It consists of three major elements, the most striking is the new air search radar that visually differentiates a post-AMCAP ship from its pre-upgrade counterparts

Captain Clelland said the AMCAP, which comes after the Anzac Class Frigates underwent the Anti-Ship Missile Defence program, it was a complex task that required close cooperation between Navy and its key partners.

The third ship to undergo AMCAP is HMAS Warramunga, which is currently docked at Henderson Shipyard. The upgrade program is being undertaken by Navy and the Warship Asset Management Agreement which is a four-way alliance between the Commonwealth’s Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group, Saab Australia, BAE Systems and Naval Ship Management Australia.

The Australian Navy HMAS Anzac (III) is the lead ship of eight Anzac Class frigates built by Tenix Defence Systems at Williamstown, Victoria for the Royal Australian Navy. The design is based on the German Meko 200 frigate. It is a long-range frigate capable of air defence, surface and undersea warfare, surveillance, reconnaissance and interdiction. Anzac's combat capabilities have been significantly improved under the Anti-Ship Missile Defence upgrade program, a world class program that provides an enhanced sensor and weapons systems capability.

The ship's main armament comprises one Mark 45 capable of firing 20 rounds per minute, ship launched Mark 46 torpedoes and a Mark 41 vertical launch system for the Evolved Sea Sparrow missile. Anzac also has eight anti-ship/land attack canister launched harpoon missiles. The ship's other defence systems include the Nulka active missile decoy system, offboard chaff and a torpedo countermeasures system.

The ship can embark Navy's latest multi-role Sikorsky/Lockheed Martin MH-60R Seahawk helicopter which has enhanced anti-submarine, anti-surface warfare and Search and Rescue capabilities. Embarkation of a helicopter also provides the ship with the capability to deliver air-launched missiles and torpedoes.

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