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The Royal Navy MCM HMS Pembroke is now fitted with Thales ORCA Command System.

| 2020

HMS Pembroke recently became the Royal Navy’s most modern Mine Counter-Measures Vessel (MCMV) after being equipped with a new state-of-the-art mine counter-measures Command System.
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The Royal Navy HMS Pembroke MCM now fitted with Thales ORCA Command System 925 001 Royal Navy Sandown Class Minehunter HMS Pembroke is pictured sailing from HMNB Clyde in Western Scotland. (Picture source: Tam McDonald/MOD)

The new generation of command and control system that Thales is deploying across the entire fleet of Royal Navy Minehunters under ORCA is known as M-cube. M-Cube enables the Royal Navy to continue delivering on its front-line commitments with a modern, capable and open mine hunting system.

The upgrade involved a complete overhaul of the Operations (Ops) Room, installing new consoles throughout the compartment, and the replacement of the console on the Bridge as well as interfacing the new system with the myriad sensors available onboard.

ORCA allows the Mine Warfare Officer in the Ops Room to have increased situational awareness in comparison with the previous NAUTIS system, with a radar picture and navigation charts being integrated into the display.

The contract also includes training for Royal Navy personnel, a five-year in-service support plan and, for the first time a land-based test site to enable the development of future technologies and algorithms ashore.

HMS Pembroke is a Sandown-class Mine Counter-Measures Vessel (MCMV) stationed at HMNB Clyde. The crew of HMS Pembroke is made up of highly trained Mine Warfare Specialists and Mine Clearance Divers, as well as engineers, officers and chefs.

HMS Pembroke has now been approved for operational use and has re-joined the fleet of vessels carrying out vital minehunting operations.

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