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Turkey successfully conducts test launch of local-made ATMACA anti-ship cruise missile.

| 2020

According to information published on the Twitter of Ismail Demir the president of SSB, July 4, 2020, the Turkish defense industry has successfully conducted a test launch of ATMACA an all-weather, long-range, surface-to-surface, precision strike anti-ship cruise missile which can be integrated to patrol boats, frigates, and corvettes.
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Turkey successfully conducts test launch of local made ATMACA anti ship missile 925 001 Test launch of Turkish-made ATMACA anti-ship missile. (Picture source Twitter account Ismail Demir)

According to the Twitter account of Ismail Demir the president of SSB, the Turkish Defense Industry Association, the ATMACA missile has successfully hit its target at a range of 200 km.

The development of ATMACA anti-ship cruise missile began after the signing of a contract with ROKETSAN in 2009. Prime contractor ROKETSAN started the development of the missile in September 2012 after receiving the results of its previous research and development contract with Turkey's Under Secretariat For Defense Industries (SSM) at Navy Research Centre Command (ARMERKOM).

In November 2019, the Turkish Navy carried out the first test launch in the Black Sea from the TCG Kinaliada corvette, the fourth Ada-class anti-submarine warfare corvette manufactured under the Turkish national warship program.

The ATMACA anti-ship cruise missile uses a control system manufactured by the Turkish company Aselsan that includes a global positioning system (GPS), inertial navigation system, barometric altimeter and radar altimeter sub-systems to navigate towards its target.

The ATMACA anti-ship cruise missile has a firing range from 280 to 360 km and is equipped with a 250 kg high-explosive penetrating warhead. The missile has a weight of 800 kg and a wingspan of 1.4 m. It is powered by a Safran Microturbo TRI-40 small turbojet engine developed to be used for cruise missiles and small unmanned aerial vehicles in the 2.2 - 3.6 kN (500 - 800 lbf) thrust class.

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