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Ukrainian Navy returned A947 Yany Kapu sea tug to service.

| 2020

Ukrainian Navy repaired Yany Kapu sea tug returned from the Russian captivity with its own assets, said the Ukrainian Navy Commandant Ihor Voronchenko in his interview to Ukrainian MoD TV channel.

Ukrainian Navy returned A947 Yany Kapu sea tug to service 925 001Nikopol and Berdyansk artillery boats (L-R front) and the Yani Kapu tugboat of the Ukrainian Navy (Picture source: Sergei Malgavko\TASS)

Repairs were conducted at Ukrainian Navy base in Ochakiv, where the sea tug arrived on November 20, 2019.

We have repaired Yany Kapu sea tug and it will return to its base in Odesa these days, said Ihor Voronchenko.

Few days prior Nikopol artillery boat seized by Russia in the Black sea neutral waters along with Yanu Kapu and Bediansk on November 25, 2018, was floated out after repairs in Mykolaiv.

Berdiansk boat that has suffered more damage will soon head to Mykolaiv shipbuilding factory.

As it was previously announced all three captured vessels will be repaired and returned to sea before summer 2020.

In terms of specifications, the Yany Kapu has a displacement of 303 tons, a length of 29.3m, a beam of 8.3m and a draft of 3.09m. The sea tug can reach a full speed of 11.4 knots and has a range of 1,650 miles at 11 knots. It is propulsed by 2 diesel engines x 600 h.p., 2 shafts and is equipped with 2x12.7mm DShKM machine guns.

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