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Chinese Type 055 destroyer Nanchang hold anti-submarine drills.

| 2021

According to information published by Global Time on December 6, 2021, Type 055 large destroyer Nanchang, recently held intensive anti-submarine drills in a move that experts said could send a message to the US.
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Russian Vyborg Shipyard laid the Purga ice class coastguard ship of project 23550 925 001 Type 055 destroyer Nanchang (Picture source: CGTN)

Nanchang (101) is a Type 055 destroyer of the People's Liberation Army Navy. She was commissioned on 12 January 2020. Nanchang is the lead ship of the class and was laid down in December 2014 at the Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai.

The Type 055 large destroyer is a class of stealth guided missile destroyers (guided-missile cruisers per NATO/OSD standard) being constructed for the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy.

It is a multi-mission design; the combination of sensors and weapons suggests the main role of area air defense, with anti-submarine warfare capabilities.

Propulsive power is generated by four 28 MW QC-280 gas turbines in combined gas and gas arrangement. Additional power may be provided by six 5 MW QD-50 gas turbines. The maximum speed is estimated to be 30 knots.

The primary armament is missiles carried in 112-cell vertical launching system (VLS); 64 cells forward and 48 cells aft.

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