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| 2021


Main Battle Tank - Russia

T 64BV MBT Main Battle Tank Russia 925 001


The T-64BV is a modernized version of the T-64B main battle tank with an armor upgrade package. The T-64B version was adopted in service in 1976. The T-64BV featured enhanced anti-radiation protection and add-on explosive reactive armor. The production of the T-64BV has started in 1985. In 2014, Ukraine sold 50 T-64BV to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (RDC). The T-64BV is currently in service with Russia, Uzbekistan, RDC, and Ukraine.

T-64BV MBT variants:

- T-64BV1K: This is the T-64BV fitted with explosive reactive armor and fitted with additional communications equipment for use in the command role.

Technical Data

The T-64BV is armed with a 125 mm 2A46M-1 smoothbore gun. One 7.62mm coaxial machine gun is mounted to the right side of the main armament. A 12.7mm NSVT machine gun is mounted on the top of the commander hatch which can be aimed and fired from within the tank. Two banks of four smoke grenade dischargers are mounted to the left side of the turret. The T-64B's 125 mm cannon can also fire the anti-tank guided missile AT-8 Songster, Russian designation 9K112-1 Kobra. The AT-8 `Songster' could be used to engage heavily armored vehicles at a maximum distance of 4,000 m. The AT-8 `Songster' has a single HEAT warhead and can probably penetrate at least 600 mm of steel armor but cannot penetrate Chobham-type and explosive reactive armor. The T-64BV can fire a maximum of four AT-8 `Songsters' per minute. A T-64B normally carries six AT-8 `Songsters' plus 36 rounds (projectile and charge) of 125 mm ammunition.
Design and protection
The layout of the T-64BV is very similar to the Russian-made main battle tank T-72 with the driver at the front, fighting in the center, and the power pack at the rear. The T-64BV is fitted with the Kontakt-1 reactive armor which covers the glacis plate, the forward part of the turret front, sides and roof, and hull sides extending to the five roadwheels.
The T-64BV is motorized with a diesel liquid-cooled engine 5TDF developing 700 hp. at t 3,000 rpm coupled to a hydraulically assisted transmission with 7 forward and 1 reverse gear. The T-64BV suspension on either side consists of six small dual roadwheels with the drive sprocket at the rear, idler at the front, and four track-return rollers which support the inside of the double-pin track only. The first, second, fifth, and sixth road wheel stations are provided with a hydraulic shock-absorber. The T-64BV can run at a maximum road speed of 45 km/h with a maximum cruising range of 600 km.
One infra-red searchlight is mounted on the left of the 125 mm main armament. There are either two or three boxes of 12.7 mm ammunition mounted on the left side of the turret, a snorkel is carried on the top rear of the turret. Standard equipment of the T-64BV includes an NBC system, infra-red night vision equipment for the commander, gunner and driver, ability to be fitted with snorkels for deep fording, and a laser warning device. The T-64BV is fitted with a laser rangefinder, ballistic computer with sensors.


Armament Armor
One 125mm 2A46M-1 cannon, one 12.7mm NSVT machine gun, one 7.62mm coaxial machine gun Reactive armor Kontakt-1
Country users Weight
Russia, Uzbekistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ukraine 42,500 kg
Designer Country Speed
Russia 45 km/h
Accessories Range
NBC system, infra-red night vision equipment, laser rangefinder, ballistic computer 600 km
Crew Dimensions
3 Length: 9.22 m; Width: 3.41 m; Height: 2.17 m

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T-64BV main battle tank data sheet specifications information description pictures photos images video intelligence identification Russia Russian Military army defence industry military technology equipment
T-64BV main battle tank data sheet specifications information description pictures photos images video intelligence identification Russia Russian Military army defence industry military technology equipment T-64BV main battle tank data sheet specifications information description pictures photos images video intelligence identification Russia Russian Military army defence industry military technology equipment
T-64BV main battle tank data sheet specifications information description pictures photos images video intelligence identification Russia Russian Military army defence industry military technology equipment T-64BV main battle tank data sheet specifications information description pictures photos images video intelligence identification Russia Russian Military army defence industry military technology equipment

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