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General Dynamics to retrofit Surface Mine Countermeasure Unmanned Undersea Vehicles to Block I configuration.

| 2021

According to information published by the United States Department of Defense on May 7, 2021, General Dynamics Mission Systems Inc., Quincy, Massachusetts, is awarded a $72,798,641contract for the retrofit of five Surface Mine Countermeasure Unmanned Undersea Vehicle systems to the Block I configuration and engineering support services.
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Russian Vyborg Shipyard laid the Purga ice class coastguard ship of project 23550 925 001 Knifefish is a medium-class Mine Countermeasure (MCM) Unmanned Undersea Vehicle (UUV) designed for deployment off the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS). (Picture source General Dynamics Mission Systems)

Surface Mine Countermeasures (SMCM) Unmanned Undersea Vehicle (UUV) also called Knifefish UUV, is used by the U.S. Navy to detect, classify, and identify naval mines that are moored in the ocean volume and that lay on, or are buried in, the ocean bottom. Each Knifefish system includes two UUVs, an operator console, a planning and post mission analysis (PMA) station, and an Iridium modem with an antenna for communication with the UUV when it is surfaced.

The UUV is a self-propelled, untethered, unmanned, autonomous undersea vehicle with sensor capability to perform MCM missions in user-designated shallow-water regions.

General Dynamics Mission Systems designed the tactical UUV using an open architecture concept that can be quickly and efficiently modified to accommodate a wide range of missions. The Knifefish SMCM UUV is based on the General Dynamics Bluefin Robotics Bluefin®-21 deep-water autonomous undersea vehicle. For more information about Knifefish, visit HERE.

On March 18, 2021, General Dynamics Mission Systems has announced the delivery of the first Knifefish surface mine countermeasure unmanned underwater vehicle (SMCM UUV) system under a contract awarded by the United States Navy in August 26, 2019. The contract, awarded immediately after a successful Milestone C decision and approval to enter low-rate initial production (LRIP), calls for the procurement of five Knifefish systems (10 total UUVs) and support equipment.

Knifefish SMCM (Surface Mine CounterMeasure) is a medium-class mine countermeasure UUV intended for deployment from the Navy's littoral combat ship and other Navy vessels of opportunity. Knifefish SMCM will reduce risk to personnel by operating within minefields as an off-board sensor while the host ship stays outside the minefield boundaries.

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