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Russian Project 885M submarine Perm will be the first Tsirkon sub carrier.

| 2021

According to information published by the Tass on November 2, 2021, The first regular submarine carrier of the newest Tsirkon hypersonic cruise missiles will be the Project 885M nuclear submarine Perm (code Yasen-M) of a modified design, a source in the military-industrial complex told.
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Russian Vyborg Shipyard laid the Purga ice class coastguard ship of project 23550 925 001 Artist rendering of future Project 885M submarine Perm (Picture source: zwezda)

According to the source, the transfer of the Perm submarine to the Russian Navy is planned for 2025.

Currently, Sevmash (part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation) is building six nuclear submarines of project 885M. Submarines Severodvinsk and Kazan are part of the Russian Navy, submarine Novosibirsk is being tested. It is scheduled to be handed over to the fleet by the end of the year.

The Tsirkon is a ship-launched hypersonic cruise missile capable of traveling at speeds of between Mach 6 and Mach 8. The missile is reportedly capable of striking both ground and naval targets.

According to Russian news sources, Tsirkon has a range of between approximately 400 and 965 km and can be fired from the vertical launch systems mounted on cruisers Admiral Nakhimov and Pyotr Veliky, Project 20380 corvettes, Project 22350 frigates, and Project 885 Yasen-class submarines, among other platforms.

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