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Sampari-class fast attack craft KRI Kapak joins Indonesian Navy.

| 2021

According to a press release published by PT PAL Indonesia on December 5, 2021, the company officially launched the fifth Sampari-class fast attack craft KRI Kapak during a ceremony, opened by the CEO of PT Pal Indonesia.
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Russian Vyborg Shipyard laid the Purga ice class coastguard ship of project 23550 925 001 Sampari-class fast attack craft KRI Kapak (Picture source: PT Pal Indonesia)

The Sampari-class fast attack craft is a class of domestically designed and built fast attack craft operated by the Indonesian Navy. The ships also known as KCR-60 and all ships built by local company PT PAL in Surabaya.

These ships are made with a composition of aluminum and high-tensile steel in hull parts which are also a domestic product obtained from state-owned foundry PT Krakatau Steel in Cilegon.

The Sampari-class is equipped with Chinese-made SR-47 search radar and TR-47 fire control radar. The later version was equipped with Danish Terma-made radar and fire control system.

The class of vessels is equipped with four C-705 anti-ship missiles that were developed by the third research institute of the Chinese Aerospace Group.

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