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DSA 2022: Damen showcases Sigma 9113 LMS corvette.

| 2022

The Dutch firm Damen showcases the Sigma 9113 (Littoral Mission Ship) corvette at the 17th Defence Services Asia (DSA) Exhibition and Conference at the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (MITEC) in Kuala Lumpur.
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Russian Vyborg Shipyard laid the Purga ice class coastguard ship of project 23550 925 001 Model of Sigma 9913 LMS corvette at DSA 2022, Kuala Lumpur. (Picture source: Navy Recognition)

The model on display at DSA 2022 was an upgraded version of the Sigma 9913 corvette, with a length of 92.15 metres, a beam of 13.02 metres and a draught of 3.8 metres. She will be powered by a Combined Diesel and Diesel (CODAD).

The Sigma vessel family includes 1,700 tones Sigma 9113 corvette, 1950 tones Sigma 9813 frigate, 2,185 tones Sigma 10513 frigate, and 2,365 tones Sigma 10514 frigate.

The hulls are made up of an effective, robust, and standardized structure. The repetition effect in both the hull and the systems reduces the building complexity and the project risk correspondingly.

SIGMA vessels are designed in a modular way, using standardized solutions with commercial off-the-shelf equipment where possible, enhanced by military standards where needed. This approach enables customers to compose their own SIGMA design based on proven solutions.

The proven SIGMA philosophy is now continued in a range of capable, high-speed, smaller ships with lengths and displacements ranging from 59 m to 87 m and 600 tonnes to 1500 tonnes respectively.

The Sigma ships are already in service with Indonesia, Morrocco, Vietnam, and Mexican navies. Indonesia has four SIGMA 9113 Diponegoro-class corvettes in active service since 2009.

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